Chapter 22

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"I cannot believe we drank the whole bottle" I groaned, squinting my eyes shut in a desperate attempt to protect me from the brightness of the day. I slapped Seb's foot, causing him to stir awake.

"You started it" he whined back. He grabbed a pillow and used it as a shield. Grumbling my way into the kitchen, I began to make a pot off coffee. I glanced down at my phone, noticing multiple missed calls from Chris. Unlocking my phone, I called him back. The phone rung a few times before he picked up.

"Hey, you okay?" I questioned, concerned at the amount of missed calls I'd received.

"The paps caught us at the airport. I thought it would be better that you heard it from me. I'm so sorry." he pleaded. A strange feeling washed over me.

"Oh" I replied, not quite sure how to react. It's not like we were able to do anything about it. Putting Chris on speaker, I searched for the article. And there is was.


Recent evidence deplicts Chris Evans holding hands and kissing a mystery girl. This is not the first time we have received news about this couple. Chris has been spotted with this mystery women who has been identified as Olivia Rose on multiple occasions. Although we only now have photographic evidence. An insider in Olivia's life confirmed this rumour. Olivia Rose recently opened an upcoming speakeasy in New York. An secret intel says that she is an old friend from his hometown.

I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding. They didn't say anything bad, but it didn't stop the wheels that were beginning to turn in my head. The line stayed silent as I continued to scroll down. The rest of the article was a bunch of bullshit, but when I scrolled down to the comments my heart dropped. My eyes began to tear up as I read through the hurtful comments.

look how fat she is!

What the fuck is that?

She is so ugly wth

"Liv?" Chris questioned, concern laced his tone.

"Yeah, it's fine" I sniffed.

"Stop reading the comments. Give Seb your phone. I'm trying to get my people on it now but my PR said it would be better for us if we just came out with it" he stated. I could already tell that he was just as worried, if not more. Chris has always been a private person, not liking other people in his business, I didn't want something like this to strain our relationship.

"Okay lets do it" I could hear the sigh of relief through the phone, I knew that if I didn't do this then the speculation would get worse and worse till neither of us would be able to handle it.

At some point throughout the phone call Seb emerged, pouring himself a mug of coffee and sipping it whilst listening to our conversation. "How you gonna do it?" he questioned.

"Twitter, I can post a photo, muting the comments" my brows furrowed slightly, he clearly has thought this through.

I began nodding, forgetting that Chris couldn't actually see me, "Yeah that's fine" I blurted out.

"Okay I'll get my guys on it now. I love you"

"Love you too" Seb called out from the other side of the kitchen, making the both of us giggle.

"I love you too" I replied before the line went dead.

The door bursting open caught us both off guard.

"LIV? WHERE ARE YOU" Jess hollered.

"In the kitchen!" I called back, glancing at Seb as I did so. The look on his face was absolutely priceless, he looked like he had just seen a ghost.

Jess shortly appeared in the kitchen, looking at Seb then at me and then back at Seb again. "H-hi" she stuttered, making me burst out in laughter.

"I'm just gonna, go" I smirked, leaving the kitchen and making my way upstairs.


Stuck in the deepest darkest hate comments of the recent article, I didn't notice Jess come up into my room. "Uhum" she coughed, distracting me.

"Hi! How'd it go with Seb?" I questioned, slamming the laptop shut.

"Fine. Whatcha looking at?" she asked, raising her eyebrow slightly.

"N-nothing" I stammered. Walking over to me, she snatched the laptop off my lap and opened it. I watched her face drop as her eyes began to scan the screen.

"Oh Liv" she exhaled, closing the laptop and placing it on the nearby chair, she climbed into bed with me, wrapping her arm around my shoulder. "You know none of that is true right?"

"Mhm" I hummed, not quite believing her. The more I read through those comments, the more I realised I am nowhere near good enough for him. And to be completely honest, it broke me. Deep down I knew I wasn't anywhere near as pretty as his ex-girlfriends but the comments from his fans confirmed it. Looks aren't everything and I know that, but I can't help but want to be perfect. These past few years I had worked so hard to try and love myself, to reassure myself that I am beautiful just the way I am and the media that depicts these perfect girls was all false, but those walls seemed to crash around me. "Don't tell Chris I was looking at them" I pleaded desperately, that was the last thing I wanted.

"I won't. But you have to promise your not going to obsess over this?"

"I won't" I replied, trying to convince her and myself. But deep down I knew that this wasn't going to go away.

When we were young | Chris EvansWhere stories live. Discover now