Chapter 19

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And just like that the next two days consisted of complete bliss. In fact, we hardly left his bedroom unless it was for food or water. Making up for lost time and 7 years ,minus that one night a few weeks ago, was a lot of lost time.

"My house, my rules" sasses Chris as he crossed his arms.

"Christopher Robert Evans, you cannot make a rule which doesn't allow me to wear clothes the minute I step into your house. If you have friends round, you don't want them to see me naked do you?" I sassed right back, mimicking his expression and crossed arms. "Ooh actually I take that back, Thor and Iron man can" I giggled.

"Nope! Your all mine!" he jumped up from the seat at the kitchen table and began chasing after me. I shrieked as I attempted to run away from him. However the intense training Chris underwent to prepare for Captain America was used to his advantage as it didn't take long for him to capture a very unfit me. Because I do not run, ever. "Gotcha" he chuckled as he lunged and grabbed me, throwing me over his shoulder. Carrying me upstairs as I thrashed around in his grip.


Whilst I was cooking dinner, I glanced down at my phone for the first time in days. The hundreds of missed calls from my dad and Jess suddenly broke me out of the happy land I'd been living in the past two days. Instantly I called my dad back, letting him know that I was safe and that I'd be home in an hour. I then called Jess back to inform her that I was in fact still alive and she didn't need to send the FBI team looking for me just yet.

Two familiar strong hands wrapped around my waist. Chris then moved my hair off my shoulder, kissing my now exposed neck as I continued to stir the pot of pasta on the stove. "I need to go back to my dads soon"

"No. Stay" he said, fastening his grip around my waist.

"I can't, I'm going back to New York in a couple of days and your going back to LA, and I want to spend time with my dad before I go" I sighed, the fantasy land that we were currently living in was beginning to ware off as reality begun to kick in.

"I know" he breathed out, letting go of my waist and moving over to the breakfast table opposite me. I handed him the plate of food after dishing it up and took a seat next to him at the breakfast bar. "How do you want to do this then?" he asked, using his hand to gesture between us.

"I don't know" I exhaled, "maybe taking it slow would be good". He nodded.

"Yeah" he scratched the back of his neck, "But I don't want to see anyone else, and I kinda don't want you to see anyone else"

"Are you asking me to go steady Christopher?" I giggled as a blush began to form across his cheeks. Leaning over I planted a kiss on his lips. "I'll go steady with you".


I had reluctantly agreed to go over to the Evans before I went back to New York. Chris had managed to convince me that the whole Aaron situation wasn't as bad as it seemed. As good of an actor as he is, there is absolutely no fucking way that its true. It was an absolute shit show. Although it had only occurred a few days ago, it felt like an eternity had passed.

Once I'd arrived home that night, I felt like I was 16 all over again and had missed curfew. My dad was not impressed. Jess on the other hand practically jumped me, yanking me upstairs and interrogated me for answers. However they both seemed happy enough when they discovered that I was at Chris house, and even happier when they found out that we were 'going steady'. Jess of course wanted to know all the juicy sex details, only once my dad was out of earshot.


The time had arrived. The time where I had to face the Evans family, now as Chris sort of girlfriend. I'm not entirely sure why I was so worried about going, I have literally known them a huge chunk of my life. But being reintroduced to my sort of boyfriends family was definitely intimidating to say the least.

Chris insisted on picking me up. Jess had managed to calm me down from a meltdown an hour prior to being picked up. She helped me pick out a black pair of slightly destressed mom jeans and a white long sleeve heart neckline, along with a grey cable knit cardigan. I then applied a light layer of makeup before putting black boots on and meeting Chris in his car. "You look beautiful" he smiled, placing his hand on my thigh and stroking it slightly. The rest of the journey there went too quickly for my liking.

After we had arrived, the front door was unlocked so Chris just walked in, pulling me by my hand to get me inside. I could hear chatter and giggling in the other room. "Ma?" Chris called out, announcing our presence.

"In here sweetie!" Lisa called back. Chris interlaced his fingers with mine and guided us toward the kitchen. "Olivia!" she grinned, walking toward me with her arms wide open. She stopped momentarily, noticing our hands and squealed. Throwing her arms around the both of us, Scott appeared obviously interested in what was going on.

"Took you long enough" he teased. Chris pressed a soft kiss to my temple, making me smile with content. His nieces and nephew came rushing up, grabbing him by the legs.

"Ahhh" Chris screamed, taking turns picking them up and squeezing them tightly. I couldn't help the huge grin forming on my face as I watched him interact with children. Lisa ushered us into the living room where Carly, her husband and Shanna sat.

~Hi guys, sorry this chapter is kinda short and it took my forever to write it. Suffering with major writers block right now! Hopefully I will be back into a better rhythm soon xx~

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