Chapter 29

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The weeks flew by and the next thing I knew, I was cramming Christmas shopping in before leaving for Massachusetts. I had Jess, Seb, Dad, Carly, Shanna, Lisa and even Edna's present done. But I couldn't find one for Chris. And I had looked everywhere. What are you supposed to buy a movie star that has everything? For Seb it was easy, every year I got him a funny cheap present along with a big ol' bottle of tequila. Jess was also easy, she was extremely picky but I had become accustomed to her likes over the years and stuck with makeup and a cute little bracelet. Carly and Shanna both loved perfume, so every year I would try and find one they A. haven't already got, or B. haven't even heard of, I even managed to find presents for Carly's kids. Lisa was slightly more difficult to buy for than I'd like to admit, I ended up getting her a funny apron along with a bottle of wine. Dad absolutely adored his whiskey so that was ticked off the list immediately. Edna loved her sherry which was also a tick. Each year Scott's and I's presents were the same, on black Friday he would come to New York and we would battle the crowds and pick out the weirdest, ugliest gift we could find and gift that to each other. But Chris I had absolutely nada.

After a long day of frustration and Bloomingdales, I went home. I decided that I would begin the Christmas cards. Making Christmas cards was also a big holiday tradition of mine. Usually I tried to keep them personalised with different pictures of me and that person. So Jess's card always consisted of a silly picture of her and I, and I would then edit elf hats on. So would Seb's, Scott's and my dads. Everyone else would usually receive a Christmas card with an artsy picture of a snow covered New York. By the time an hour had passed my stomach was rumbling, and Jess had sent a text saying that she's coming over and bringing Chinese. I sometimes forget that Jess does have her own apartment due to how much time she spends at mine, but she has been particularly busy at the club recently due to her insisting that I don't work. We decided that we're going to be open on New Years Eve which I'm slowly starting to regret. It's going to be busy. We have already received many many phone calls wondering if we are doing bookings for New Years, which we didn't even consider till now. But the nice thing is that dad is staying in NY and so is the Evan's clan.

Jess finally arrived and the delicious smell of Chinese wafted through my apartment. "What time do you want to leave tomorrow?" she questioned, taking out each of the container boxes.

"I was thinking late, everyone and their grandmother will be fleeing the city early, so maybe 8ish?" I took out a spring roll and sunk my teeth into the hot goodness.

"Sounds good, I found the perfect gift for papa Rose" she laughed, unlocking her phone and showing me a picture of a massive mug with the words 'biggest mug for the biggest twat' written across it. I burst out into a fit of giggles thinking about the face he would make when he saw that.

"Oh he is going to love that! What about Seb, go him anything?"

"I got tickets to some band that he likes" she shrugged, "What about Chris, got him anything?"

"No, and I still do not know what to get that man." I sighed.

"You'll think of something. But I think the most important question is what did you get me?" she clapped.

"You can find out on the 25th of December!" I warned, instantly causing her to fake a pout.


The next few hours I spent making the last minute cards when the idea came to me. I'd found a picture of me and Chris in bed together. It was a raw moment caught on camera of both of us giggling. We looked happy. I quickly sent a quick text to the guy that prints my photo's asking him if he was open tomorrow. He responded with a yes after a couple of seconds and I mentioned me popping in to pick up a print, I then sent him the image and asked him for it in A3.

I woke up early the next morning after setting an alarm. Determined to find the perfect frame. Thankfully it all seemed to fall into place. Whilst at the vintage market I found an old signed Patriots jersey. Feeling rather satisfied with my purchases I returned home to prepare for our journey.

Jess was sat at the kitchen island when I got home, scrolling threw her phone. I took it as the perfect opportunity to sneak up behind her. I gently closed the door and placed my bags down, careful not to make any noise. Lightly tiptoeing up behind her, I grabbed her shoulders and shouted. A loud high pitch scream filled my ears, leaving them ringing slightly.

"Fuck sake Liv!" she growled after turning around and seeing me. I burst out into a fit of giggles whilst she slapped me. "I will get you back!"

The rest of the day consisted of vigorous packing on my behalf. Trying to make sure I hadn't forgotten anything, not that it was a massively last night drive back and forth, I just didn't particularly want to run all over the place. Jess sat and watched my madness in a very amused fashion, I'm surprised she didn't get popcorn out whilst she was watching. But finally after I had packed, double a and triple checked the packing we were ready to shoot off.

~yes it feels weird writing about Christmas when it's supposed to be summer in the uk but oh well, sorry for how long it took me to get this out xx~

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