Chapter 8

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Scott insisted that it was too hot not to have ice cream and made us stop. This of course made us late. I told him that the bar had air conditioning but once Scott has made his mind up he is adamant. As we started to walk down the stairs I noticed Scott had managed to get ice cream all in his beard, making me erupt in laughter, almost falling down the stairs because of how hard I was laughing.

Once we'd made it down the stairs I came face-to-face with him. His beautiful ocean blue orbits looking down at me. I'd never shut up so quickly in my life. I was too hypnotized by him to notice Seb and Jess were here. A small cough came from behind me, breaking our eye contact Chris glanced behind me. While Chris greeted his brother I looked over at Jess who had her eyebrow raised, giving me a 'your in deep shit' look. "Ryan not here yet?" I questioned, my eyes darting around the room. Once my gaze had landed on Chris again my heart began to beat rapidly, he was wearing a tight fitted black t-shirt and a pair of black jeans, he looked effortlessly sexy, considering the temperature outside there was not one drop of sweat on his face.

"Nope" Seb shrugged and took a seat at one of the booths, Chris and Scott shortly followed. I glanced at Jess and she nodded towards the booth indicating for me to go sit also.

"you guys want drinks?" She asked, the boys gave us their orders and I went to help Jess with the drinks. "what the fuck is happening with Chris?"

"I don't know" I sighed "he told me he missed me" I started taking the chilled bottles of beer out of the fridge out back.

"Oh Olivia Rose" I couldn't actually see Jess at that exact moment but I knew her too well to know how hard she was rolling her eyes.

"I've got it under control!" I insisted knowing full well I didn't but I wanted to figure out what was going on myself without her involvement.

"uhuh" she replied her tone full of disbelief. I took the caps of the beer bottles and put them on a tray to bring over to the table.

"thank you gorgeous" Seb grinned the cheesiest grin he could muster.

"are you two together?" Chris spoke softly, was that a hint of sadness in his voice?

"god no" I chuckled.

"I'm offended!" Seb clutched his chest, his mouth dropping open "but no we are not". Chris nodded his head a glimmer of relief in his eyes which both me and Scott picked up on as he instantly looked at me with a furrowed brow.

"So Chrissy woo how do you know Livy lou?" Seb questioned, he patted the seat next to him for me to sit on as he spoke. I obliged and his arm reached over the backing of the seat. Sitting opposite Chris meant I could see him squirm at the question, not quite knowing how to respond.

"I lived in Boston and was best friends with Scott" I replied simply, taking a long swig of the cold beer.

"Hey! You were my friend too!" Chris chuckled, I raised my eyebrow in shock.

"Was I?" I questioned, instantly regretting not thinking through those words before they slipped out. Scott spluttered on his drink as Chris looked down at the table, I felt a pang of guilt in my chest before quickly stuttering out "I though I was your best friend!" jeez just about saved that.

"Fair play" Chris nodded. Shit. I could do with Jess coming back right about now. It was almost like I thought her into existence as she appeared at the table beside me.

"What did I miss?" she asked, completely oblivious of the tension.

"Not much" Seb shrugged. We all sat in awkward silence for a moment, each taking sips of our beers not knowing what to say. Every now and again my eyes would meet with Chris'.

When we were young | Chris EvansWhere stories live. Discover now