Chapter 27

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The next week consisted of an agonisingly long recovery. And I still had a few more days to go till they would discharge me. The first few days after I woke up were definitely the worst though, I couldn't even get up to go to the bathroom. It was comforting to have my Dad around though. I forget how much I miss him sometimes. Chris has been an absolute angel, on my beck-and-call, constantly getting me ice chips and jelly.

"How you feeling poppet?" Dad asked as he walked into the room. My favourite time of day, visiting time. I was only allowed one person to stay in the room at all times and Chris hadn't left once since I'd arrived so it kind of meant my Dad could only come at visiting time. He didn't seem to mind though. He would usually visit while Chris was being forced to take a shower by Jess because he stank, I could hardly notice though.

"I'm not too bad" I smiled lightly. I noticed he had one of his hands hidden behind his back. I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion till he revealed one of his famous homemade chocolate milkshake. "Oh I am so much better now!" I squealed.

"Thought you might, Edna also insisted that you come home to visit and she will fill you up with cake" he handed me the milkshake along with a straw and I began drinking the chocolatey goodness. Taking the seat, which was usually occupied by Chris, he took my hand. "How you really feeling?"

"Bit rough" I admitted, "I don't know how I'm supposed to feel about it all. I feel guilty that I didn't know". Dad nodded sympathetically.

"And how's Chris taking it?" he questioned.

"I don't know, we have hardly spoken about what happened. I feel like we are both avoiding talking about it, pretending it didn't happen so we can go back to how it was, but it feels different" I could feel my eyes brimming up with tears.

"I wish I could make it all better for you, but I can't. And I wish I could tell you that its all going to be okay but its going to be difficult. I know that you love him and that he loves you but this is really going to test you both. When we lost your mum it was a real struggle, I pushed your grandma away. I didn't register that its not just me that is going through this, but once I did it was easier to heal knowing I wasn't alone. And you need to remember that its not just you that is feeling this way so please don't push us away, let us help you heal and let yourself heal as well as Chris" he placed a kiss on my hand as I sobbed. I knew that what he said was right.

Me and dad sat there for a while, watching crappy American TV on a small box. Laughing at the cheesy jokes. It felt amazing to laugh, even if it was at absolutely nothing. After about 45 minutes of watching the TV Chris reappeared with a big bowl of ice chips, wearing a cheeky grin. "Look what I stole!" he giggled in a hushed voice, like a little school boy.

"I'll leave you two to it" Dad got up before bending down and kissing me on the forehead, "I love you my girl"

"Love you too dad" As soon as he left, Chris took his claimed position and began feeding me ice chips, both of us giggling when they missed my mouth. Once the bowl was empty we sat there for a moment, Chris replying to the, what I can imagine, thousands of emails. "I think we need to have a talk about that night" I stated, my tone sounding more serious than I intended. He instantly placed his phone down and took my hand in his.

"Okay" he exhaled.

"I'm so in love with you, you know that right?" I squeezed his hand as he nodded. "I know that you wouldn't cheat on me, I don't know why I was so desperate to believe that you would. I think.." I paused, taking a deep breath before carrying on, "I don't know why, but the way that, that article made me feel, it made me feel vulnerable. And I haven't allowed myself to feel vulnerable with anyone in a long time. And that scared the shit out of me. After what's happened, I need to let me be vulnerable with you because I don't think I'm going to be strong enough to do this on my own and I need you." I watched Chris eyes brim up with tears.

"I need you too" he leaned over and pressed a soft kiss to my lips.

"This has made me realise that I think I actually kinda do want kids with you someday" I smiled.

"I actually kinda do want kinds with you too... someday" he returned a smile.

Jess and Seb burst into the room, kinda interrupting our moment. "I'm sorry I couldn't be here sooner!" Seb apologised, handing me a big balloon and teddy, before handing a massive bouquet of flowers to Chris. He stepped back and took a hold of Jess' hand. My eyes widened as I watched this loving gesture between my two best friends.

"When the fuck did this happen?!" I exclaimed. Jess looked down at her feet, smiling to herself, this was the first time I think ever I had seen Jess behave this way. I glanced at Chris who was chuckling to himself.

"A couple of weeks ago" Seb answered.

"And you didn't tell me!" I replied, "I'm so happy for you guys, I love you both!" I squealed. They both exhaled a breath, giving a relieved smile before stepping forward and giving me a kiss on the cheek. "I want to be invited to the wedding. I better be both maid of honour and best man!"

"We'll be attending your wedding first!" Jess clapped back. I glanced at Chris as an almost confirmation that that's what he wanted, he flashed me his signature sexy side grin and I almost melted.

We continued to all gossip, and they filled me in with the details. Apparently Chris already knew, which I scolded him for not telling me. Everything felt normal, almost as if nothing had happened.

~ you lucky bastards, 3 updates in 2 days!~

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