Chapter 5

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As soon as my eyes landed on his piercing cerulean eyes my heart dropped. What is he doing here? Composing myself in record time I continued my speech. I saw the recognition in his eyes as he remembered me, I must look different to when he saw me last. The memory began to play around in my head.

We were finally together, our bodies in sync, as were our minds, or so I thought anyway. Laying in his bed after, I gazed up at his perfect face. His beautiful eyes roaming my face. Never in a million years did I think that I would be in Chris' bed, after years of knowing each other, a few drunken kisses and me being madly in love with him. "are you okay?" he asked, his brows furrowed "I know this was your first time" he softly smiled.

"yeah, i'm okay" I smiled back, looking deep into those damn eyes. I swear he can look into my soul. I broke eye contact with him and laid my head down on his chest. "I heard you got an acting job, that's big!" I said enthusiastically.

"Yeah it's in LA" he replied, "i'm leaving in tomorrow to look for an apartment" my stomach dropped.

"y-your leaving?" I stuttered, not knowing what to say.

"yeah" he started to get up, pulling a jumper over his head.

"how long for" I could feel my face scrunching up as I tried not to cry.

"permanently I think, i'll come back and visit but I'm moving to LA" he shrugged as if it were no big deal, as if the past 48 hours meant nothing.

"oh" I breathed out "I could get a place there to I guess, but I thought we were going to live in New York" I mentioned the plan, its what we said we were going to do ever since we were 15, although we were just friends back then and now we were finally together.

"I-" he sighed "I don't know how to say this" he stood up and looked down at me, I was laying in his bed, with only a sheet covering me "I'm going alone"

"you told me you loved me just two days ago, and we have planned to live together since we were 15" I began to raise my voice.

"Yeah well plans change" he replied bluntly, turning his back to me.

"You told me you fucking loved me!" tears began to well in my eyes. He turned his face to me, his once beautiful eyes turned dark and mean.

"I didn't mean it! I don't want you coming with me!" he screamed back. Just then and there my heart shattered. Unable to control my emotions anymore, tears fell down my cheeks. He left the room, leaving me in his bed. That was the last time I saw him in person. The next time i saw him after that was on the front over of a magazine a week later, his lips attached to another actresses.

I was snapped out of my trance by Jess placing her hand on my back. "show time" she whispered, kissing me on the cheek before walking off stage. Pulling myself together, pushing Chris as far back in my head as possible I looked at Ryan, the lead guitarist, indicating I was ready. He strummed the first few chords of Back to Black by Amy Winehouse, my absolute idol. As the rest of the band began to play I let the tune take over me and the first few lines of the song flowed out my lips. I'd always loved singing for as long as I could remember, dancing around the kitchen, using a wooden spoon as my microphone. I was 12 before I realised I was actually not too bad at it. My favourite part was always looking around the room seeing how captivated people were. I tried my hardest to ignore the piercing eyes on me. " you go back to her. And I go back to black" the last few chords of the song played before the crowd of people I loved begun cheering. I glanced over at my dad who had a grin going from ear to ear.

A few songs later and we were just about to do our last one, I decided that I was going to sing a song i'd written. We had practiced it together a few times before. I whispered to Ryan the song. (when we were young - adele, but just pretend that Olivia wrote it and its her singing the song instead of adele)

"everybody loves the things you do... from the way you talk... to the way you move" it was a song I'd written and I was sharing it. I was terrified, but let the words flow out anyway. I'd written it about Chris but he didn't have to know about that. Getting your heart broken is pretty inspirational. I glanced at him, his eyes locking with mine. As I was coming to the final chorus of the song, the big finale, the high note, I felt a wave of emotion come over me, my eyes watering, I couldn't take my eyes off him, it felt like I was in his trance. It had been 7 years why does he get to show up again? The crowd cheered as I finished. I came off stage and Jess went on to say thank you to everyone again. Blinking hard to try get rid of the tears brewing in my eyes, I felt a hand grab me. I saw Jess' concerned face in front of me. "Chris is here" I breathed out.

"What! Where?" she questioned, anger fuelling her voice. I nodded towards the bar where Scott and Chris sat. "That asshole I'll get him to leave" she was about to go all mission mode before I pulled her back.

"No it's fine, I just don't know how he is here, I didn't invite him" I replied. She sighed and sauntered off to talk to a friend. I spotted my dad talking to someone and walked over to him, I really needed a hug from him right now.

"Hi poppet, you were fantastic!" he buzzed with a beer in his hand. I buried my head in his chest, wanting to turn into a little girl again and hide. "I know, I saw him" he whispered in my ear "need me to beat him up".

"No, it's okay" I chuckled, he lightly wiped a tear from my cheek, being careful not to smudge my makeup.

"Okay now go have fun instead of talking to your old man!" he insisted pushing me into the crowd of people. I soon found Jess and Seb talking, another man standing with them.

"There's my girl!" Seb shouted and pulled me into a hug, he towered over me, even though I was in heels "there are some people I want you to meet!" He pointed to the man standing with them, "this is Anthony Mackie and- hang on where did the other fella go off to"

"nice to meet you, i'm Olivia" I smiled, he was very good looking, dark skinned, wearing a navy polo shirt and dark jeans.

"You were really cool up there" he smiled.

Just before I was about to reply Seb butt in, "Chris there you are! I want you to meet my girl-"

"Olivia" Chris nodded. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I cannot be here right now.

"Chris" I muttered, looking down at my shoes.

"Wait you two know each other?" Seb questioned.

"Something like that" Chris replied "It's been a while". Yeah damn right it has you prick, I wanted to shout. He came closer to me, his tall muscular frame towering over my 5"4 body. What he did next completely shocked me, he pulled my in for a hug! A fucking hug! and then kissed me on the cheek. His intoxicatingly attractive smell filled my nostrils. I had not seen this man in years and I hated myself for thinking it but he looked so good. He was definitely fit, maybe jacked or ripped would be a better way to describe it. I felt 18 all over again, my legs weak, completely mesmerised by him. "you look really good" he smiled.

"Yeah you do too" I softly smiled, my heart skipping a beat.

"How have you been?" he asked, I felt someone tap my arm, I turned to look at the culprit and there stood Jess looking impatient.

"It was nice to see you, we need to do the rounds, if I don't see you thank you for coming" I smiled "and nice to meet you Anthony" he nodded and Jess and I left.

The rest of the night flew by smoothly. At about midnight people started to leave, I bid farewell to my dad and was in the process of saying goodbye to a few others till I saw Seb.

"We are gonna stay and help out a bit. And before you say no, you don't have a say in the matter" he grinned the cheesiest grin he could muster. Eventually everyone left, leaving me, Jess, Scott and Seb. I assumed that Chris had left. I walked up to the fairy lit balcony, and began collecting glasses till I noticed someone elses presence.

When we were young | Chris EvansWhere stories live. Discover now