Chapter 17

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Dinner was awkward, to say the least. And it was painfully obvious to everyone but Aaron, making it all the more awkward. Lisa and Scott were trying so hard to ease the tension by telling stories about me from when I was younger. However most of these stories involved Chris, making it agonising. I kept catching Chris stolen glances at me, I'm sure Aaron must of caught on at this point as he suddenly became overly touchy feely which did not improve the situation as Chris jaw was clenching to the point I was worried his teeth would shatter. The wine on the other hand was just perfect, the stuff just slipped down my throat so easily, it was the only good thing about dinner if I'm honest. But as the wine was getting easier to drink, the secrets were getting harder to keep. And this was the moment it kicked off.

Just after the longest, most agonising dinner of my life, I excused myself to the bathroom. I was just about to open the door, when Chris shut it again. His hand was leant against the wall, him peering down at me. "What the fuck?" he growled "You got a boyfriend now?", unable to reply I nodded. "Your gonna tell me that night didn't mean anything to you?"

"You know it did" I replied in defence. This only made him clench his jaw.

"You said you weren't ready" he shot back accusingly.

"I'm not doing this with you" I shook my head at him "I'm not ready. I'm not ready" anger begun brewing in my gut. Chris slowly leant down to whisper in my ear.

"That's not what your body's saying" I could feel his stupid smug grin growing by my ear. He lifted his finger toward my jaw and began tracing it down toward my cleavage, I swear it felt like electric was jolting through my body. "I know you want me. Just say it so we can end this stupid game" he growled once again.

"Stop" I whimpered.

"Lets be honest, you don't want me to stop" he chuckled lightly. That laugh. That fucking laugh making me weak in the knees. "I bet he doesn't make you cum like I can". Uh oh. He moved his face from my ear to right in front of my face. His hot breath tingling against my lips. Oh what I'd do to have those lips on me again. No this cannot happen. Realization kicked in, bringing me out of whatever spell he had put me under.

"I'm not doing this with you. I have a boyfriend" I put my hand up against his muscular chest.

"We both know that's just temporary" he pressed a soft kiss to my lips before walking away. Leaving me completely and utterly hot and bothered, very bothered. I shut myself in the bathroom. Glancing at myself in the mirror I noticed how flushed I look, in desperate attempt to compose myself I splashed cold water onto my face, careful not to smudge my makeup and walked back out to where they were all now sat in the living room.

I sat myself down next to Aaron. He took my hand in his, but I noticed how he made sure Chris was watching while he did so. Rolling my eyes, I tried to pull my hand away, which resulted in him squeezing onto my hand, his nails digging in. Not long after this incident Aaron pulled me away from the rest, more like dragged me away and took me upstairs. "What the actual fuck?" he screeched loudly.

"What?" I questioned innocently.

"Don't act all angelic you bitch. I know what your doing. You think I think its a coincidence that you dress up like a whore and its Chris Evans coming over? Because hunny, I hate to break it to you but its embarrassing that your acting like a fucking slut. In front of your dad? I bet he is so ashamed of his whore of a daughter" his voice was only getting louder, I wanted to completely disappear of the face of the earth right now. I was completely mortified, I knew that they would be able to hear him from downstairs.

I tried to protest, trying to reason with him, wanting him to calm down. This only made him angrier, he was shouting different slurs at me, chucking things I had told him in confidence back in my face. At this point I had zoned out, trying so hard not to cry, he gripped onto my arm making me yelp out in pain. Suddenly Chris burst through the door, launching himself at Aaron so he was now on the floor with Chris on top of him, repeatedly punching him in the face. "Stop it!" I screamed, desperately trying to pull Chris off of Aaron. Thankfully, Scott and Dad appeared on the scene and managed to pull away him off. This however gave Aaron the opportunity to get a few shots in, hitting Chris in the face. Without thinking, I kicked Aaron where it hurts the most, which brought my dad and Scott some time to take Chris out the room. This whole pit of rage that was building up inside me suddenly decided to let loose. While Aaron was rolling around on the floor, I packed his duffle bag up and threw it at him. My dad then appeared.

"Get the fuck out of my house! Go near my daughter again and I'll kill you! Do you hear me?!" he screamed. Aaron then timidly grabbed his bag and legged it out of my house. My dad pulled me into a hug, letting me lean into him as I sobbed. I sobbed about everything and he just stood there, cradling me, protecting me like he always has. "It's okay poppet" he cooed whilst stroking my hair. Jess had come up at some point, announcing that Lisa and the girls are leaving and that they apologised. Scott also came up telling me he was leaving and pressed a kiss to the top of my head.

Once my tears had stopped, I just felt empty. Completely hollow.

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