Chapter 35

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

It had been a couple of days since Dad's surgery to fix his internal bleeding. He was still unconscious which was wasn't good. The doctors hushed whispers, looks of concern confirmed this. He wasn't waking up and they didn't know why.

Chris got the call saying he needed to go back to work. He didn't want to go but there wasn't much more he could do here. Jess needed to go back to the bar. And it was just me and Seb.

"Hey Liv" he whispered, "Wake up" he tapped the top of my head lightly. My eyes fluttered open and one of the doctors was stood in front of me.

"We have an update" she smiled, "Your dad is proving brain activity which is amazing, his eyes are reacting to light. He just needs rest and he should be awake anytime soon."

A gasp of relief escaped my lips. My eyes tearing up at the thought that this horror of a dream was almost over.

Seb went to go grab some coffee while I waited patiently by dads side. Gripping onto his hand, hoping that it would make him wake up sooner.

Without realising I must of fallen asleep, the lack of sleep over these past few days had been catching up to me. It was draining, constantly listening to the monitor beeping. The monitor that was a repetitive reminder that my dads heart was still beating, the only cause of motivation for me at the moment.

I don't know how long I was asleep for but it was long enough for me to have a dream. I dreamt that I was the only person left on this earth. There was no other sign of human life. But I wasn't scared, I was one with myself. I explored, I felt free. I felt free of expectations and pressures. There was no one to impress, no one to disappoint. It felt like my own personal paradise. It quickly began to fade away and I was back in the real world. I could see myself, almost as if I was floating above everything. I watched myself poke and prod at my body in the mirror, feeling ashamed. Chris walked in, silently watching me, he rolled his eyes and walked out. I began to float away and appeared in the hospital ward. I was in the corner of my dads hospital room. I watched all the doctors crowd around him, just staring at him. His monitor was making a consistent beeping noise. He was flatlining and they were just standing there, watching. Each time I tried to reach him, some kind of forcefield held me back. I was screaming in desperation, my voice growing hoarse. Hot tears streamed down my face. My cries were ignored. I was being completely blank.

In sheer panic I jolted up out of my sleep. Sweat dripping down my forehead. I glanced at the hospital bed and there he was. Awake and staring at me. "What are you looking at?" he questioned, an estranged look on his face. "Dad" I exhaled, rushing to his side.

"Hello poppet" he smiled, I planted a kiss on the palm of his hand. "How do I look?" I giggled at his question.

"Can't polish a turd!" I joked, a happy tear rolling down my cheek as I laughed.

"No you can't" he chuckled fondly, "As much as I think your the most pretty girl in the world, you look like shit"

"Wow dad, way to make a girl feel special" I gasped sarcastically.

"Go get some sleep honey, I'm fine! And I saw my boy is here, he can look after me while you catch up on some shut-eye" he tapped my hand lightly as if to say off you go, "Speak of the devil, here's my boy!"

Turning my head, I could see Seb standing in the doorway with two cups of coffee. "Go get some sleep and call Chris, he has been non-stop texting me all morning" he groaned.

"Yes now go away and don't come back unless you have had at least 8 hours, also tell my other boy that I say hi" dad commanded.

"Yes sir" I replied, before giving him a kiss on the forehead and walking over to Seb to take one of the coffee cups.

"Nu-uh not for you" he said moving them out of my reach.

"Charming" I stuck my tongue out and left the room.


Shanna had volunteered to pick me up and take me back to Lisa's house to get some sleep, so she was able to keep an eye on me and make sure I was actually sleeping.

"How is he?" she asked as I got in the car.

"You wouldn't think anything had happened to him" I replied, "Thank you for picking me up"

"No worries love, Mom gave me strict instructions" she chuckled.

"I'm just going to phone Chris, he's been blowing up Seb's phone apparently" I rolled my eyes.

"Of course he has" she shook her head.

After a couple of rings he picked up.

"Hi love, you okay?" he questioned, his voice full of concern.

"Yeah, just a bit tired. How's filming going?"

"It's okay, it's nice to see everyone again but I miss you"

"I miss you too" I smiled. Shanna made a gagging noise making me laugh.

"Who's that?" Chris chuckled.

"I'm in the car with Shanna"

"Tell her I say hi"

"I can hear you idiot" she said.

"Don't call me idiot, idiot"

"Really Chris?" I jokingly scolded.

"How's your dad doing?" he asked, changing the subject.

"Yeah he's okay, Sebastian's with him now" I answered.

"Okay good. Go get some sleep and facetime me when you wake up"

"Alright, I love you" I smiled.

"I love you too, now go get some sleep woman!" he commanded before hanging up.

When we were young | Chris EvansWhere stories live. Discover now