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*Mollie P.O.V.*

I slowly peeled my dekna open and sat up. I felt the bed move around and Yeyinde push me back down. He wrapped his arm around me and purred quietly. I looked between him and the sucklings.

"I've got to check on the sucklings." I said. "Dachande is crying."

"He'll be fine, go back to sleep, my thar'n-dha." He grumbled in reply.

"But he'll wake up the others. Come on Yeyinde."

I gently pushed his arm off me and slowly got up. I walked over to where the sucklings were sleeping and picked up Dachande. I looked him over and gently rubbed his forehead. I walked back to the bed and sat down.

Yeyinde wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me into his chest. He started purring and leaned his forehead on my shoulder. He reached up and rubbed Dachandes forehead.

"He's calmed down, put him back to bed." Yeyinde said. "And come back to sleep."

I slowly stood up and carefully placed Dachande back in bed. None of the others stirred. I sighed in relief and went back to bed. I slipped close to Yeyinde, he wrapped his arms around me and started purring again.

"Go back to sleep, Mollie." He rumbled.

I sighed and closed my dekna again. Yeyindes purring lulled me into sleep. After what seemed to be only a few minutes I jerked awake again. I sat up and looked around. Yeyinde growled in annoyance and sat up.

I looked over at the suckling's bed and sighed in relief. Kiande had sprung up on the bed and was carefully holding Dachande. I got up and gently patted Kiande. He chittered and passed Dachande to me.

"Yeyinde, I want to take him to see Tarei'hsan." I said. "Something's wrong with him."

"Alright, bring him back to bed with you." He replied. "Perhaps sleeping with us will help."

"Fine but I'm taking him tomorrow. Don't you scoff at me. I know somethings wrong!"

Yeyinde chittered and shook his head. Then he waved for me to join him in bed again. I walked over with Dachande still in my arms. Yeyinde carefully took him and held him to his chest. I heard Yeyinde start purring while I got comfortable.

Dachande curled up on Yeyindes chest. I reached over and carefully covered him with my hand. Yeyinde chittered and wrapped an arm around me. I slipped close to his side and closed my dekna.

*Next Morning*

I woke up and looked around. Yeyinde and Dachande were both gone. I gasped and sat up fast. I heard Kinade chitter and stretch. He shook his head and walked to his food dish. He whined and picked it up. Then he looked at me and stuck his inner mouth out.

"Go ahead, you know how to get your breakfast." I said.

He bounced on his feet and darted to the food processor. He loaded his bowl up and walked back to his bed. I walked over to the sucklings bed and looked them over.

Than-guan reached up and made a grasping motion at me. I picked her up and set her on the floor when she struggled. She rolled onto her stomach and started crawling around. I chuckled as I put the others down with her.

They all managed to squirm onto their stomachs and started crawling. I watched as Than-guan and Cetanu started to wrestle. I smiled proudly when Than-guan managed to sit on her mei'hsweis head. He squealed and just managed to shove her off.

The others picked up on their fighting. They all started to wrestle. I made sure they didn't seriously hurt each other. Otherwise, I left them alone.

A knock at the door stole my attention. I stood up and walked to it. When it opened I saw Bhu'ja-guan in the hall. Halkrath was at his side. I nodded in greeting and motioned for them to come in.

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