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*Flashback Continues*

Mollie ran ahead of me and glanced back every few seconds. We reached the light and stopped dead. We were back in the room of Xenomorphs. And the Queen stared us down. I heard Mollie gasp in surprise. There were eggs everywhere. I wasn't sure how we didn't notice them before.

Mollie raised her rifle and aimed at the eggs. She took the safety off and started firing. I joined and shot at the eggs. The Queen screamed as we continued firing.

She started struggling against her chains. Mollie grunted and pulled out a grenade. She pulled the pin and cooked it before throwing it. We both ducked down and covered our ears. The grenade blew up a cluster of eggs.

I heard a roar behind us. One of the other aliens charged around us and started slashing at many different Xenomorphs. Mollie started firing again, she took down several Xenos. I placed my back to hers and fired at the ones behind us.

"Alright, start moving back we gotta get outta here!" I hollered.

"But Dad, she's getting lose!" Mollie shouted. "We have to keep fighting!"

"I thought you were scared. Don't you want to leave?"

"No shit! But I'm also thinking about the future! If that bitch gets out, the Earth will go to hell in a handbasket!"

"Alright, that's my girl! Let's get them!"

We started darting around the room. Mollie placed bombs all over the room. At one point a Xenomorph cornered her. She aimed her rifle but when she fired, all it did was click.

Her eyes went wide as the Xenomorph lifted its clawed hand. It slashed her across her face. I heard her scream in pain. Before I could react one of the other aliens grabbed the Xenomorph.

"Son of a BITCH!" Mollie shouted. "Die you piece of galaxy shit!"

She darted forward and shoved a cooked grenade into the Xenomorphs mouth. The other alien threw it across the room into a bunch of others. It covered Mollie with its body as the grenade went off.

I managed to duck behind a wall just before it went off. I was still hit by some acidic blood. I yelled as it burned my cheek. I pulled a damp cloth out of my pocket and wiped at the spot. It stopped burning after a few swipes. I froze in sudden realization. The room was almost silent.

I peered out and saw the Queen not moving. I couldn't see Mollie anywhere. I slipped out of hiding and looked around. Then I spotted her.

She was lying on top of a pile of dead Xenomorphs. I shook my head and ran over. I took off my helmet as I ran. When I reached Mollie I yanked her off the pile and rolled her onto her back. I looked her over.

"Mollie, sweety wake up, please." I muttered. "Mollie come on, please!"

I heard the two huge aliens behind me. I glanced back and pulled my daughter closer to my chest. The looked between her and where the Queen had been. Then they looked back at Mollie.

They let out a few clicks and growls. When I didn't respond one lifted its arm. Then it started to mess with something on its arm. After pushing a few buttons the alien started clicking again.

"What are your names, human?" It asked.

"Give me your name stranger and I'll give you mine." I replied.

"I am Bhu'ja-guan, this is my mate Than-guan." The other replied. "Now please what are your names."

I stared up at the beings. Then I looked down at Mollie. She still wasn't waking up. I picked her up and turned to face the aliens. I shifted Mollie and held my hand out.

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