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*Mollies P.O.V. & 1 Year Later*

I stood by Luar-ke as Halkrath looked my new mei'hswei over. He chittered and looked at me. I laughed and waved for him to keep looking. He peered down at him and cocked his head.

"He looks funny." Halkrath said.

"So did you when you were small." I replied.

He looked at me, his mandibles flared. Luar-ke laughed as he darted at me. I easily snatched him up and locked him in a tight grip. He started laughing as I tickled his sides.

Then we both froze as an announcement came across the speakers. Luar-ke picked up my brother and headed to the landing platform. I put Halkrath down and followed her. I heard Halkrath behind me.

"Wait for me momma." He chirped.

I slowed down enough for him to grab hold of my fingers. He trotted along, almost tripping a few times. When we reached the platform he shifted his grip to my belt. He started hopping up and down excitedly.

"Father's home!" He chirped happily.

I watched as the ship landed and the hunters walked off. Bhu'ja-guan walked up to me and nodded his head. Then he took Halkrath and started for their home. I heard Luar-ke chirp in greeting. I looked back and saw my dad walking up to her.

"Gkaun-yte, my Marcus." Luar-ke said. "Tayo-Dai see your father."

"Luar-ke, Mollie, ah there's my boy." My father said happily.

He took Tayo-Dai from Luar-ke and stroked his cheek. Tayo-Dai immediately laughed and gripped his finger. I heard a short growl. I looked toward the noise and saw Yeyinde standing beside me.

"Gkaun-yte, my kv'var-de." I greeted. "How was your dtai'kai'-dte?"

"Very good, Mollie." He replied. "I've returned with many trophies, this one is for you."

He motioned to the loading bay. On a wheeled platform was a giant th'syar. Yayinde waved for it to be brought over. As soon as it was in front of us I circled it.

"It's beautiful, Yeyinde!" I exclaimed. "But uh, where will we put it?"

"I have a place, my thar'n-dha." He replied.

He wrapped his arm around me and began purring. He started walking back to our home. I walked with him. When we reached our room I opened the door.

"Are you busy tonight?" He asked.

He nudged me backward. I smiled and ran my hands across his chest. He purred louder and picked me up. He pinned me to the wall and nudged his head into my neck.

*Four Hours Later*

I groaned and rolled onto my side. Yeyinde was lying next to me. He smiled when I turned to face him. I flipped my trendils over my shoulder. He churred and pulled me close to his chest.

"Has Tarei'hsan seen anything in your latest scans?" He asked quietly.

"No, not yet." I replied.

He looked down a sad look on his face. Yeyinde reached over and ran his hand down my side. Then he ran his hand onto my back. He started tracing shapes on my skin. I smiled and snuggled into his chest.

As I began to drift off I heard a siren go off. Yayinde growled and got up. I sat up and watched him stomp around gathering his loincloth and armor. I sighed and started to get up.

"You don't have to get up, Mollie." Yayinde said. "It's just another ship landing."

"Then why are you going?" I asked.

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