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*Mollies P.O.V.*

I slowly opened my dekna. Memories from last night came rushing back. I covered my face with my hands. I froze when I felt scaly flesh. Then I pulled my hands away and looked them over.

I sat up and pulled my rucksack to me. I pulled out an old busted mirror. I took a deep and turned it over. My dekna went wide as I took in my new appearance. I had changed so much overnight. Just like after my dad and I fought those Xenomorphs.

I let the mirror fall from my hands as I stared at nothing. A wave of nausea hit me hard. I knew no matter where I looked at myself I wouldn't find anything Ooman anymore.

I bowed my head and saw my reflection once again. I smacked the mirror away with an angry growl. I felt a small hand on my back. I looked over my shoulder and saw Halkrath behind me.

"Are you okay, momma?" He asked.

"Mmhmm, I'm alright." I replied. "Why don't you go out with your dad?"

He looked out the front of the tent and shook his head. He scrambled into my lap and snuggled into my chest. He nudged his head under my chin. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him back. He pulled back and looked up at time again.

"Your purring!" He exclaimed. "You've already figured out some basics!"

I tried to smile but it was a bit tricky with mandibles instead of lips. Halkrath laughed as I tried to move my new mouth. Then he started moving his mandibles trying to show me how it was done. I slowly mimicked him and flared two mandibles up.

"Yay, you did it!" He exclaimed clapping his hands.

I chuckled and hugged him again. He rammed his head into my stomach as he snuggled into my grip. I grunted and took several deep breaths. He snickered and placed his hands on my cheeks.

"I still love you, momma." He said.

I placed my forehead against his. He chittered happily and tapped his tusks against mine. He pulled himself up and nudged his head into my shoulder. I wrapped my arms under his butt and stood up.

I looked myself over and shrugged. I stepped outside and walked over to the seats from last night. Yeyinde was stroking the fire and roasting some meat. He looked up as I approached. He clicked his mandibles in greeting.

"Good morning Mollie." He said.

I nodded in response and set Halkrath on a log. He chittered and grabbed one of my belt loops. I looked down at him and chuckled. He looked up at me and bounced around.

"Jerky, please?" He asked. "Please, I'd like some jerky."

"I don't have anymore." I replied. "You finished it last night."

He instantly pouted and crossed his arms. I started chuckling, he started stomping his feet. I heard my dad laughing behind me. I looked over at him and cocked my head.

"You feeling okay Mollie?" He asked.

I nodded slowly. He walked up and stopped right in front of me. I found myself looking down at him. He frowned and folded his arms.

"That stuff changed you more than I thought it would." He said.

I sighed and nodded. He smiled at me and rubbed my arm. I looked around and sat on a nearby log. Almost instantly my dad and I were dekna to dekna.

"I'm not used to this." My dad said.

"Well, look whos awake." Luar-ke said happily.

I managed to flare my mandibles in a smile. I slowly closed them and blinked in surprise. I saw Kiande up in a tree. He uncurled himself and climbed down. He trotted up to me and chittered. He sat down and cocked his head.

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