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*Mollies P.O.V.*

I looked around at all the warriors staring at me. I rubbed the back of my neck. Then I dashed back over to Luar-ke and my dad. I heard everyone chuckling as I tucked myself behind them. I peeked around Luar-ke and ducked back.

"You are alright Mollie." One of the warriors said. "You are part of our family none of us will harm you."

The others all nodded. Then they all put their weapons up. They moved among the dead kiande amedha and began gathering trophies.

I slipped back out and motioned for Kiande to come to my side. He nervously dashed over to me. The warriors paused and stared at him. One took a step threatening forward. I darted in front of him.

"That is a kiande amedha, why is it following you?" She asked.

I looked at Kiande then back at her. I shrugged and started petting Kiande's head. The warrior cocked her head. I pushed him behind me and waited for her next move.

She clicked her mandibles and stepped back. Luar-ke placed her hand in my shoulder and tugged me back. Kiande chittered and trotted to her. He sat down and thumped his tail on the ground.

Some warriors decided to crowd around me. I gulped and looked around. They began asking all kinds of questions. Until a loud roar cut them off. Yayinde shoved his way to my side and pulled me out of the crowd.

"Do not crowd her!" He snarled.

He had me tucked into his side. I heard some yelling from the boulders. I looked over and saw Dutch in between Apex and another Yautja. I walked over and nudged my way between them.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"He tried to take Apex." Dutch grumbled. "We just want to leave."

I nodded and looked over at Bhu'ja-guan. He nodded and waved his arm. The warriors cleared and path allowing Dutch and Apex to walk through. Apex suddenly hugged me tightly.

"Thank you, without your help, we'd be dead." She said.

"Uh, yeah, no problem." I muttered carefully patting her back.

Apex pulled back and headed to Dutchs side. Then they turned and walked into the trees. Dutch paused at the edge and turned back. He had a serious look on his face.

"I'd leave soon if I were you." He warned.

Apex grabbed his arm and pulled him into the trees. They vanished into the forest. As much as I liked fighting alongside them, I was happy to see them leaving. I was still a little pissed about the shots he gave me. But now Bhu'ja-guan had the guy who started it all.

I looked back at him and walked over. Bhu'ja-guan had placed him in a cage of sorts. He looked up at me and grinned. It was one of those grins that makes your hair stand on end. Or in this case, causes a low growl to come from my chest.

"So it does work." He said. "You're experiment number twenty, all the others died after receiving the shot."

"There were twenty altogether?" I muttered in shock. "No, I don't believe that I know for a fact you wouldn't stop at twenty."

"Of course not. There were twenty in the lab that Major Schaefer was in charge of. Not to mention the beautiful Queen Xenomorph I provided. Has she laid her eggs yet?"

I slowly stood up. If I stayed near him for much longer, I'd wind up killing him. And that is not honorable. I walked away from the cage, my fists clenching and unclenching. The warrior who questioned me about Kiande stopped me.

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