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*Mollies P.O.V.*

I looked up as the Blood Spears clan chief materialized in front of me. His dark green and black molten skin blended nearly perfectly with the trees behind him. I smiled a bit as I realized Halkrath had inherited much of his father's looks. The only difference were Halkraths mandibles. Which were a dark yellow, just like his mother.

I shook my head breaking myself from my thoughts. My dekna locked back on Bhu'ja-guan. He folded his arms and stared down at me. I carefully put Halkrath on the ground. He yelped as his right leg touched the ground. Luar-ke chittered and pulled him to her.

"Gkaun-yte, Mollie Malone." He said.

"Gkaun-yte, Bhu'ja-guan." I replied.

He trilled, placed his hand on my shoulder, and shook it. I returned the gesture, keeping my head ducked. I felt a tug on my pants, I peeked over and saw Halkrath with a death grip on my pant leg.

"I'm kinda busy buddy." I said. "Oh, you're hungry huh."

I looked around for my rucksack, but I couldn't spot it. I heard Yeyinde growl angrily. He stormed past me and dove into the trees. I cocked my head wondering what he was so pissed about. Then I shrugged and reached into my pants pocket.

"Ah, good, I got some jerky left." I muttered. "Here Halkrath eat these."

I handed the bag to him and watched him go to town. He had at least two strips in his mouth at once. I huffed and reached down to pull one out. He growled and whipped his head away. He popped one strip out of his mouth and munched on the other.

Luar-ke chittered and shook her head. Then she picked him up again and sat him on her thigh. Halkrath squeaked as she started treating his leg. I turned and walked over to my dad. He ran a hand over my head. A frown on his face as he looked me over.

"What the hell did they do to you, Moll-Doll?" He asked.

"They gave me a couple of shots." I replied. "I have no idea what was in them."

"Evidently neither did they. Let me see, hmm, a couple of bones in places they shouldn't be. Do your old man a favor and jump as high as you can."

I blinked a few times confused. Then I shrugged and sprang into the air. I yelled as I flew up and whacked my head on a tree branch. I crashed into something on the ground. I groaned and looked around.

A big yellow and black arm circled my waist. I grunted and looked up at the treetops. The arm flopped off me and Yeyinde growled. I felt something nudge against my hand. Then Kiande's head appeared in my line of sight.

"Down Kiande." I grunted out.

I placed my hand on his head and pushed him away. Then I rolled off Yeyindes chest. I slowly got to my feet. Yeyinde sat up and quickly got his feet back under him. He let out a low rumble and wrapped an arm back around my waist.

"Are you hurt, Mollie?" He asked.

"Nope, just knocked my head a bit." I replied.

I rubbed the top of my head and looked at my hand. I didn't see any blood. I nodded and looked back at my dad. He had a frown on his face. Bhu'ja-guan stared at me with his head cocked.

"Did they say anything about the shot?" My dad asked.

"Uh, oh yeah, they said the Yautja DNA would merge with mine." I said suddenly remembering. "But I don't think it was supposed to go this far."

I held up my arms as I spoke. Showing the green scales on my arms. Yeyinde trilled and gently ran a hand on my arm. My dad reached out and looked my head over. He focused on my dekna and scowled.

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