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*Mollies P.O.V.*

I turned and continued walking across the rocky ground. Halkrath instantly trotted ahead of me. He had a little trouble climbing some boulders, but he was learning. He dug his talons into the rock and scrambled onto the top.

"Look, momma, I did it!" He exclaimed.

He hopped up and down on a boulder. To my shock and horror, he slipped and started falling. He shrieked and flailed his arms. I dashed forward and caught him just before he hit the ground.

"Don't do that." I scolded. "You could get hur... Wait a minute, why am I babying you?"

Halkrath shrugged and slipped out of my grip. He landed on the ground with a thump and trotted off. I signed and looked back at the larger female. She was scanning the area around us. She'd pause, then continue walking.

"I forgot to ask your name." I said. "Unless you're the wei-ghe'h Chief always talks about?"

"Ah, yes, my dear Ooman mate." She said, with a purr. "He has mentioned you several times."

"So, you're Luar-ke? You know he doesn't shut up about you either."

She laughed and shook my shoulder. I smiled and bowed my head. If Chief is happy, so am I. After all, my mother died many years ago. He deserves someone that makes him happy.

I picked up my pace and caught up to Halkrath. He chittered as he tried to stalk a leaf. I chuckled as he jumped and crushed the leaf beneath his feet. He looked around with a confused expression. Then he peeked under his feet. He looked up at me and pointed at the crushed leaf.

"Did I kill it?" He asked.

"I'd say so, little sain'ja." I replied. "Now come on, we have more walking to do."

"Who's the strange wei-ghe'h, momma? Is she a friend?"

I sighed and looked around. I needed clarification on that. But since she's my dad's mate, I doubt she means harm to us. The only thing I can think of her doing is attacking other humans.

"I am no threat to you or your mother, little one." Luar-ke said. "I am here if your mother needs help fighting other Oomans off."

Halkrath flared his mandibles and tried to look intimidating. Luar-ke looked at me and shook her head. She walked over to Halkrath and adjusted his stance a bit.

"There, little one, now you look ready to fight." She said.

Halkrath straightened up and walked over to me. He had a perplexed look on his face. He snapped his mandibles and made a smacking sound. I reached into one of my pockets and pulled out some jerky. He gasped and snatched a piece out of my hand.

He stuck the piece in his mouth and started chewing it. I popped a piece into my mouth as well. Luar-ke cocked her head, a curious look on her face. She pointed to the bag in my hand. I held it out, and she took a small piece out.

"I'm not sure if you'll like these, Luar-ke." I said.

"I'll be the judge of that, Mollie." She replied.

She popped the piece into her mouth and started chewing. Her dekna went wide, and she blinked a few times. She held out her hand and nodded at the bag.

"You like these?" I asked. "Sure, you can have more."

She smiled and took a bigger piece from my hand. Halkrath tugged on my pant leg. I reached down and let him climb up my arm. He sat on my hip and pulled the jerky bag to him. He reached in and pulled a big piece out. He trilled and shoved one end into his mouth. His mandibles flexed as he chewed on the dried meat.

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