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*Marcus Malone P.O.V.*

I watched as my daughter, at only 17 years old, raised up a Yautja lou. She had gone from hormonal teenager to mother in less than a year. It caused immense pride to rise in my chest. But with the pride came worry.

The lou was the son of my mate's clan chief. If he were to see the way Halkrath acts, I fear for my daughter's life. She has tried her best. But the thick-headed boy has taken after much of my daughter's mannerisms. Luar-ke didn't seem worried, but she's good at hiding that stuff.

"What troubles you, my Marcus?" Luar-ke asked gently. "You continue to stare at your lou."

"Hmm, oh nothing." I replied.

"Don't try lying to me, mate. You are worried about something. I can sense it."

I sighed and nodded; she could always tell. So can Moll-Doll, for that matter. She looked over at me as I stared at her. Her face scrunched up in confusion, and she cocked her head. She stood up straight and slowly turned in a circle.

I blinked and shook my head. I shouldn't cause her to freak out like that. Especially with the kid around. Unless she sensed something I didn't. I saw Mollie focus on a bunch of bushes.

She was tensed up and ready to spring. Suddenly, out of the bushes lunged a Cougar. I watched as Mollie clashed with it. The Cougar snarled and yowled as my daughter slashed at it like a mad woman. As suddenly as it attacked, the Cougar made a hasty exit.

"Are you alright, Mollie?" Luar-ke asked.

"I'm fine, Mom." Mollie replied.

I did a quick double-take at Mollie's statement. Did she really just call Luar-ke mom? I rubbed my ears and shook my head. I must have heard her wrong.

"Mollie, what did you call Luar-ke?" I asked.

"Uh mom, why?" She asked. "Should I not call you that Luar-ke?"

Luar-ke rushed over and snatched Mollie off the ground. She walked away with Mollie hanging in her arms. I chuckled as Mollies' feet dragged along the ground. I could hear Mollie mumbling something as Luar-ke continued to hug her.

Yeyinde stared at the two of them. Then he shook his head, a look of disgust on his face. I scowled and walked over to Halkrath. He was digging through Mollie's backpack. I reached down and snatched him up.

"Eeeeehhhhh!" He shrieked.

Halkrath started whacking at me with whatever he had grabbed before I picked him up. He finally stopped when he recognized me. He looked at what he had in his hand. Then he put it on his head.

"Halkrath no!" Mollie shouted. "Put that back!"

"Hat, hat, funny hat!" Halkrath chirped.

"That's not a hat! Put it back right now! No don't you dare! Halkrath!"

I burst out laughing as Halkrath held up one of Mollie's bras. He let out a curious trill. To my surprise, he put the bra over his face. Mollie let out an embarrassed squeak. She dashed forward and grabbed the bra off his face.

"Let go, Halkrath!" She ordered, pulling on the undergarment.

"M-di, m-di, m-di!" He replied, pulling back.

Luar-ke started laughing as the tug of war continued. Yeyinde looked over and cocked his head. He let out a confused click and walked up. He reached out and pulled Halkrath's hands off Mollie's bra.

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