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*??? P.O.V.*

I slipped through the woods quietly. The Ooman had no idea I was following her. She had someone significant to my old friend with her. And I was determined to get him back.

'How dare she take the chiefs lou! She will pay with her life!'

I flared my mandibles. Rage filled my senses. The female ooman dared to dishonor the clan chief's mate by toating her son in that device. Raising him like an Ooman lou!

I growled and jumped onto the ground. I'd had enough and would take Halkrath back to his father. I froze when I spotted Luar-ke standing by the Ooman lou-dte kale. I felt a thrill run through me. She would take care of the Ooman and return Halkrath to his father.

I snarled in confusion as she shook the lou-dte kale's shoulder. She was greeting the Ooman. I watched as Halkrath snuck up on some bushes. Then he pounced on something hiding in them. I saw Luar-kes ooman mate stand up with her help a few moments later. He walked up to the other Ooman—a serious look on his face.

That's when I realized he and the lou-dte kale looked very similar. He seemed very happy to see her. They spent a few minutes talking. Finally, the lou-dte kale headed back down her original path. I snarled and sprang after her.

To my surprise, she spun around and held her dah'kte up. The blades flew out and pointed right at me. I slid to a halt and growled. I arched my back and flared my mandibles. She didn't flinch at all.

"Is that how you great everybody?" She asked. "I mean, you want to kill me even though I'm not attacking you?"

"You have the clan chiefs lou!" I snarled. "You stole him from his mother!"

"You s'yuit-de! She told me to take him! And she's dead; how would you know what happened?"

I froze in shock. No one had told me that. The chief's mate was dead? She couldn't be. I had only just seen her a few months ago.

"You didn't know, did you?" Luar-kes, mate, asked.

I shook my head, my trendils whipping through the air. The lou-dte kale glared at me. She huffed and retracted her blades, and lowered her arm. Then she looked over her shoulder. I looked her over and saw young Halkrath peeking over the lou-dte kale's shoulder. He glared at me and flared his mandibles.

"Get away from my momma!" He hissed angrily.

I blinked as I got a good look at him. He had climbed onto the lou-dte kale's shoulders. He stood up straight with perfect balance. He continued glaring at me.

"Halkrath, that's enough." The lou-dte kale said. "We have more important enemies to fight."

The lou hissed at me and sat on the lou-dte kale's shoulders. I blinked a few times at his pure bravery. Like most Yautja lou, he was ready to protect his family. I slowly circled the lou-dte kale, and she followed my movements.

"What the hell are you looking at?" She asked.

I stopped in front of her. I didn't understand my fellow male warriors' fascination with the soft Ooman lou-dte kale. However, this one was very different than most. She had more muscle and knew how to fight, which was made evident by her stance.

She grumbled and walked past me. Luar-ke and her mate followed right behind her. I let out a low growl and walked after them. After jogging a bit, I caught up with Luar-ke.

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