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*Mollies P.O.V.*

I got up from the table and walked over to Tarei'hsan. He had his arms crossed and was staring at the scanner's screens. I reached his side and looked down. I cocked my head as I looked the screens over.

"Is there something wrong, Tarei'hsan?" I asked.

"Hmm, m-di not that I can see." He replied. "But I will need to keep a dekna on your progress."

I nodded and headed to the door. The door opened as soon as I reached it. Yeyinde stood on the other side as he promised. Luar-ke stood a few feet away. She had a slightly nervous look on her face.

She rubbed her hands together and looked around. Then she slipped inside the med bay. I turned and watched. She shot me a quick smile. I nodded and turned back to Yeyinde.

"Come, I will take you to your room." He said.

I nodded and followed after him. He walked down a couple of different halls and stopped in front of a door. He looked from the door to me, and back again. He looked very nervous.

He reached out and opened the door. My dekna went wide as I looked the room over. It was chock-full of different th'syar trophies. I knew right away this was not just a room for me.

"This isn't just my room is it?" I asked.

"M-di,  if you wish, it will be our room." Yeyinde replied. "And I want to present you with this, this is to show you that I am a capable mate."

He walked into his room and picked up something I couldn't see. When he turned around I saw a beautifully decorated kiande amedha th'syar. Yeyinde held it out to me, he looked a bit bashful as I carefully took the th'syar. I grinned as I looked it over.

"You know this might piss off Kiande." I stated. "But I love this."

I looked it over admiring the intricate details. Yeyinde purred and stood inches away from me. He flared his mandibles and tapped my cheek. I leaned up and returned the gesture.

"Be my mate Mollie?" Yeyinde asked. "I will make you the happiest wei'ghe'h in the universe."

I looked him in his dekna. Then I leaned up and nudged my tusks against his. He trilled happily and wrapped his arms around my waist. He pulled me flush to him and placed his forehead on mine.

Just as Yeyinde started making a move, a knock sounded at the door. I pulled away and walked over to it. I head Yeyinde grumbling behind me. I didn't need to look back to know he had his arms crossed and a pout on his face.

I opened the door and saw the wei'ghe'h that tried to fight me earlier. She flared her mandibles when she spotted me. She narrowed her eyes at me. Then she tried to force her way inside.

"Hey stop that!" Guan-thwei scolded. "You are not allowed to bully my cousins mate!"

She shoved the other wei'ghe'h away. They started getting into each other's faces. I heard Yeyinde walk up behind me and growl loudly. Both wei'ghe'h wiped their heads in his direction. He put his arm in front of me and nudged me behind him.

"How many times must I say any challenge you give my mate is also given to me." Yeyinde snarled. "I am not as nice or passive as my mate."

"I am supposed to be your mate." The wei'ghe'h snapped.

Guan-thwei shook her head and slipped into the room. She walked to my side and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. Then she steered me into the bathroom. She paused by the closet and grabbed some clothes.

"I'll help you put these on." She said.

I followed her into the bathroom. She shut the door and began showing me how to put on the new under net. Then she started helping me into my new armor. Guan-thwei chittered as she tugged my breast plate into place.

"There, oh you look great." She said. "Very fierce, my cousin will love it!"

"Are you sure, isn't this very revealing?" I asked.

"M'di, trust me my cousin will love it. And many wei'ghe'h wear coverings like this."

I looked myself over again and shrugged. Guan-thwei smiled and shook my shoulder. Then she turned and opened the door. We both froze when we saw the other wei'ghe'h practically wrapped around Yeyinde. Guan-thwei looked at me and stepped out of the way.

The other wei'ghe'h glared at me. Yeyinde shoved her away from himself and stepped back. I straightened up and walked over to Yeyindes side. He looked me over and growled low in his chest.

"Yeyinde, tell her the truth!" The wei'ghe'h spat. "That you and I are supposed to be mates."

"What makes you think that?" Guan-thwei snapped back. "Just because you like him, he owes you nothing!"

"Guan-thwei that's enough, I can take it from here." I interrupted.

She looked at me and smiled. She nodded and walked behind Yeyinde and I. The other wei'ghe'h glared at me. Then she charged at me. I ducked down and let her flip up and over my shoulder.

I heard her squeal when I slammed her onto the ground. I spun around and slammed my foot on her head. Yeyinde reached out and gently gripped my arm. He pulled me to him and nudged his head against mine. Then he started purring.

Guan-theiw helped the wei'ghe'h up off the ground. Then she pulled her out of the room. They looked back at me, Guan-theiw smiled at me and nodded. Then she shoved the other wei'ghe'h out the door.

"I will come back and teach you more later, Mollie." Guan-thwei said. "My cousin seems to want time alone with you."

Yeyinde nodded and shooed her out. She laughed as she walked out of the room. Yeyinde growled and made sure the door was properly secured. Then he turned back to me.

I cocked my head as he walked up to me. He stopped inches away, then he leaned his forehead against mine. I leaned up and gently gripped his biceps. He started nudging me back until I fell onto the bed. He climbed on top of me and ran a hand through my trendils.

As he began to move lower, I heard someone else at the door. Yeyinde snarled and got up. I sat up and turned to watch him walk. He opened the door and stepped back. Kiande came trotting in and looked around. He chirped and dashed over to me.

He curled around me and nudged his head into my hand. Yeyinde grumbled and shut the door. He stomped back over to the bed and flopped down. He whined and looked over at me.

I smiled and reached over. I ran my hand over his trendiles and squeezed. He trilled and gripped my wrist. With a sharp tug, he pulled me to him. Kiande chittered and dove off the bed.

"I do not care if the kiande amedha is here, I will stake my claim." He growled.

"Then claim me, my kv'var-de." I replied.

He gripped onto me and rolled on top of me. He began unclipping my armor. I reached up and started doing the same to him. He growled and pinned my wrists above my head.

"Tonight you become my mate, for as long as we both live." He said.

Yautja Translations:

Wei'ghe'h: female

Yeyinde: brave one

Kiande amedha: hard meat(Xenomorphs)

Kiande: hard

Kv'var-de: warrior

Guan-thwei: nightblood

Tarei'hsan: scorpion

Th'syar: skull

M-di: no

Dekna: eye, eyes

Please let me know if I missed anything.

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