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Major Alan "Dutch" Schaefer makes an appearance in this chapter. However, he is shown in a different light. Don't read this if you don't like your favorite hero being seen as a villain.

*Mollie P.O.V.*

I slowly cracked my dekna open. I could hear voices outside the door to my holding cell. I licked my lips and tried to speak. All I managed out was a gasp of air.

"Ah, she's awake." A deep voice said.

"Finally, we can start the experiment!" A female's voice spoke up.

I gritted my teeth and lifted my head. I looked up my arms and saw shackles on my wrists. I blinked my dekna and looked at the cell door. I could see several white-clad scientists on the other side.

I lunged at them, stopping at the end of the chains. They all sprang backward. I huffed out a laugh. One man stepped up and held up a remote.

He pushed the button, and I tensed up as shocks shot through me. I screamed as the electricity coursed through my veins. He removed his thumb from the button and smirked at me. I instantly put two and two together. They were treating me like an animal.

"So, is she subdued?" The female asked.

"Yes, she is." The male with the shocker said.

The female opened the cell door and walked towards me. She had a cruel smile on her face. I looked up at her and grinned. She froze, and the smile faded from her face.

"Hey there, you got some kinda shot for me?" I asked. "Trust me this isn't the first time."

"Don't engage her!" The male shouted.

The female looked away and reached behind her. I watched as she pulled up a big ass needle. I craned my neck and peered behind her. I saw a table with all kinds of needles and vials. I chuckled and looked back at the female.

"Hmm, nice, but I've seen bigger." I said. "What you got in there?"\

"This will allow us to track the changes you go through." The male said. "Give her the shot."

The female grasped my arm and plunged the needle into my muscles. I snorted and looked at her, unimpressed. I cocked my head and looked her over again. She was about 5'5", with blonde hair pulled into a tight ponytail. She also had cold blue dekna.

I snorted and shook my head. I watched as she pulled the needle out. I groaned and cracked my neck. I could feel every scientist staring at me. The female pulled up another needle. This one was full of a bright green substance.

"Oooh, what's that, it's pretty." I said. "Looks like Yautja thwei."

"This will cause your DNA to rearrange itself." The male answered. "If all goes well, you will become part Predator."

I stared at the male. I knew him from somewhere. But I couldn't place him. The scars on his face threw me off. He glared at me and walked into the room.

"I will give her the shot." He said.

He took the needle from the female and walked forward. I looked up at him. He motioned for the female to leave the room. She walked out and brought her cart with her.

"Now, I am hoping this will hurt you." The male sneered.

"I have a high pain tolerance." I replied. "Keeps me from running from a fight."

He shrugged and plunged the needle into my neck. He pulled the needle back out and stepped back. He leaned against the opposite wall. I rolled my head around and took in the rest of the room.

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