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*Marcus P.O.V.*

A frown crossed my face at the thought of my poor daughter freaking out over the massive change she was going through. This was so different from her hitting puberty. This was a whole new level. And I hated that I couldn't do anything about it.

"My Marcus, you need to sleep." Luar-ke said.

"I know, but I can't." I replied. "All I can think of is Mollie and the fact I can't help her."

I tucked my arms under my head and sighed. Luar-ke chittered sadly and nodded. She reached over and rubbed her hand over my head. I felt a small smile tug at my lips.

"I can sense your distress my Marcus." She said. "Little Mollie is a very strong wei'ghe'h, you raised her well, she will excel at this."

I hummed and rolled onto my side. Luar-ke laid her head down and stared in my dekna. She had a worried light in them. I could tell she was as worried for Mollie as I was.

"I'm just afraid she'll shut down again." I said. "I remember when she first shut down, it was after we first fought a bunch of kiande amedha..."


I slipped through the trees with Mollie right behind me. We were headed for a repeat elimination mission. The rest of the squad was spread out headed for their scheduled posts. Mollie slipped away into the bushes.

I slowly peeked over the log I took cover behind. I could barely see Mollie as she headed to the strange building. I saw her peek out and scan the front of the building. She signaled for us to move forward.

I slipped forward and paused at the edge of the trees. Mollie was already creeping up the stairs. I huffed and followed her up. I grabbed the back of her jacket and tugged her back. She grunted and swatted my hand away.

"Knock it off Chief." She grumbled. "I'm following my orders."

"I don't care, you need to be careful." I replied. "I'm following my self given orders."

She chuckled and shook her head. I ruffled her hair and moved ahead of her. I heard her walking behind me. We slipped up to the top step.

Then we stopped and kneeled down. The rest of the squad were coming up behind us. We aimed our rifles ready to cover the rest of the squad. They moved ahead in twos.

"Damn this place is huge!" Mollie exclaimed. "What kind of place is this?"

"I have no idea." I muttered.

Mollie crept inside and scanned around. She lifted her rifle and pulled her night-vision goggles down. She turned them on and scanned the hallway. I slipped up beside her and locked my back to hers.

"You see anything?" I asked.

"No, wait the walls have some kind of hieroglyphics written on them." She replied. "I can't read them."

"That's odd it looks like a combination of different hieroglyphics. This looks like Egyptian and Mayan. This is so odd."

Mollie walked up to one of the walls and ran her hand across the hieroglyphics. She craned her neck back and stood on her tiptoes. I walked up beside her and pulled her away. She pulled a camera out of her rucksack and took a bunch of pictures.

"Oh man, wait till HQ sees this!" A voice exclaimed. "Chief, kid, come and check this out!"

I started down the hall. I heard Mollie let out a loud yell. I spun around and saw her staring at a carving. I walked back to her. On the wall was a carving of a strange creature. It had no eyes, a sleek head, and long claws. Its tail had a sharp tip, and extremely sharp teeth.

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