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*Yeyinde P.O.V.*

I charged through the trees, ready to rip apart the Oomans that took my wei-ghe'h. I could hear the Ooman soldiers following me. I ran faster, determined to find Mollie. I could smell her thwei on the ground.

"Hey, man slow down a bit!" The one called Dick shouted. "We care about the kid too ya know!"

I ignored the pleas of the Ooman. As I continued after Mollie, I could hear the Oomans arguing. They talked about the best way to rescue Mollie. I snarled and sped up.

"That is the exact opposite of slowing down!" He shouted again.

I knew I had pulled far enough ahead when I no longer heard the Oomans behind me. When I finally stopped, I stood in front of an Ooman structure. I sniffed the air and growled when I picked up a large amount of Mollie's thwei. I stepped back and roared, letting the s'yuit-de Oomans know I was there.

With a final growl, I charged the building. I ripped into the building and looked around. There were a bunch of guards in front of me. I unsheathed my wrist blades and ran forward. I heard boot steps behind me.

"Open fire, let's get Mollie outta here." The ooman named Dick shouted.

He and his friends started shooting at the guards. They started moving forward. I charged forward and started cutting through other Oomans. I heard screams being cut short by gunshots. I looked at the Ooman team again.

"Go find Mollie, we'll meet back up here!" Dick shouted.

I growled and ran farther into the building. I could smell Mollie's thwei all over the place. I looked around, hoping to spot her. Instead, my dekna locked on a room full of Oomans in white coats and black uniforms.

"Oh my God!" One of them shouted.

They all froze and stared at me. I clicked my mandibles, then I flared them and roared. One of the Oomans screamed in response. One of the Oomans in black shot me. I snarled and charged forward. I stabbed through the nearest Ooman.

A few minutes later, I heard movement behind me. I spun around and saw one last guard standing behind me. He squeaked and dropped his weapon. I growled and started hanging the Oomans I had already killed by their ankles.

I heard another pair of footsteps run up behind me. I spun around again and saw a strange humanoid standing in the room. I looked it over and saw it was wei-ghe'h. I sniffed the air and flared my mandibles. I recognized Mollie's scent.

I saw a kiande amedha behind her. I snarled and looked it over, too. It had a bunch of scars running along its body. It opened its mouth and extended its inner jaw. I saw a long crack running along the jaw. It chittered and nudged against Mollie.

"What did they do to you?" I asked angrily. "Why is that kiande amedha following you?"

"Uh, well I don't know." She replied. "All I know is they gave me a shot, then they set this guy on me, and instead of killing me he asked me to pet him."

"Pet him? What did they do to him? Why haven't you killed him?"

I watched Mollie open her mouth to reply, but nothing came out. I sniffed the air and saw the tears in her dekna. I watched as Mollie shook her head and straightened up. I took a cautious step forward. The kiande amedha looked at me and hissed. I growled back and continued walking along.

"Kiande leave him alone." Mollie said.

"Kiande, you named it?" I asked, exasperated.

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