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*Mollies P.O.V.*

I slowly opened my eyes. I could feel Halkrath snuggled under my arm. He must have crept into my sleeping bag in the night. I looked down at him and smiled. He let out soft purrs and trills.

I carefully scooched out of my sleeping bag. I tucked Halkrath back in and adjusted his teddy bear. Then I slipped out of the tent and stood up straight. I stretched slowly. Then I took a deep breath.

I slipped back into my tent and grabbed some clothes and soap. I slipped back out and headed towards the nearby stream. I grinned and stripped down. I slipped into the water and ducked under. I popped back up and ran my hands over my hair. I reached for my shampoo on the bank.

I squirted some of the soap into my palm. I placed the bottle back and lathered my hair. I took a breath and ducked back under the water. I ran my hands through my hair several times. I popped up again and ruffed my hair up.

I turned back to shore to grab my body soap. I gasped in shock when I spotted Yeyinde standing on the shore. I shrieked and ducked down. He cocked his head and stared at me. I folded my arms over my chest.

"Stop staring at me will ya?" I snapped. "Look away now!"

He continued to stare. Then he slowly turned away. I huffed and snatched up the soap. I heard Yeyinde sniffing the air. He let out a few clicks and looked over his shoulder at me.

"Stop looking at me!" I shouted. "It's rude!"

He let out a growl and turned back at me. I covered my chest again. He took a step forward. I yelped and dove under the water. I gripped the soap tight and swam closer to the nearby waterfall. I popped up and looked around. Yeyinde continued to stand by my clothes and towel.

I climbed behind the waterfall. I scrubbed myself with my soap and rinsed off. I heard a loud growl behind me. I whipped around and saw Yeyinde standing near the waterfall entrance. I screamed and ducked behind some rocks.

"What the ever living hell are you doing?" I asked angrily.

He cocked his head. Then he walked toward me. I slipped around the rocks and ducked down. He paused and looked around. Then he jumped up onto a rock. I shrieked and fell back into the water.

I swam back over to my things and climbed out. I snatched up my towel and wrapped myself up. I turned around and about bashed into Yeyinde. I tensed up and took a step back. Yeyinde looked me over slowly.

"What's going on?" Chief asked. "What the hell, stop staring at my daughter!"

Yeyinde turned and looked at my dad. He growled low in his chest. I knelt down and grabbed my clean clothes. I dashed behind some boulders and yanked my clothes on.

When I walked out, my dad and Yeyinde glared at each other. I folded my arms and cleared my throat. They both looked at me. My dad nodded and walked back towards the camp. I looked at Yeyinde and cocked my head.

"What the hell do you want?" I asked. "Look you interrupted a great bath!"

"You bath in creeks?" He asked.

"It's a mountain river, you s'yuit-de. It's cleaner water. Or have you not gone camping before?"

He growled and stepped towards me. I stood still, ready to fight him again if I had to. He stopped inches away from me. I craned my neck back and stared up at him. I narrowed my dekna at him.

"You are a very strange Ooman, Mollie." He stated. "What is it about you Oomans that draws my people to you?"

"I don't know, pauk!" I snapped. "Do I look like a Yautja expert?"

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