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*Halkrath P.O.V.*

I trotted ahead of Momma and her father. Still giddy from the fight momma had with the big bully. Momma had shown him what she could do! I heard Momma call me.

I ran back to her and gripped her belt. She knelt down and looked me over. I squeaked as she lifted my trendils. I let out a laugh when she ran her hands on my neck. I knew she was looking for injuries.

"I'm fine momma." I chirped. "He didn't hurt me."

"Hmm, alright, no injuries, that's good." She muttered. "Okay, go on ahead."

I smiled and ran over to a tree. I started climbing up and up and up. I looked down and gulped. I was up really high. I clung onto the tree trunk and squeezed my dekna shut tight. I heard Momma talking to someone.

"Halkrath come on down." She called. "You're not up that high."

Someone grabbed me and gently pulled my talons from the tree bark. I squealed as I was lowered onto the ground. I opened my dekna and looked around. I looked up the tree and saw that I had only gone up about halfway. I covered my face in embarrassment.

"It's okay Halkrath." Momma said. "You don't have to be embarrassed, everyone's afraid of something."

"Hmmph, a Yautja fears nothing." Yeyinde said grumpily.

"Oh shut up, you s'yuit-de. He's still a lou! He'll learn as he grows, so back the pauk off!"

Yeyinde glared at Momma and flared his mandibles. He may act pissed, but his n'dui'se said otherwise. His n'dui'se gets sharper around Momma. I don't like it at all.

"Get away from momma." I hissed, swiping my talons at him. "Mine, my momma."

I jumped onto my Momma's neck and refused to let go. I flared my mandibles at Yayinde. Marcus let out a deep chuckle in response. He walked over and helped Momma to her feet.

"Have you told these two how you got Halkrath?" Marcus asked.

"M-di, she won't say." Yayinde said with a growl.

Momma sighed and looked down at me. I smiled up at her and snuggled closer to her. A small smile spread across Momma's face. Then she looked at Yayinde.

"It's simple really..."

*Mollies P.O.V./Flash Back*

I made my way down the hall of Weyland-Yutani's second site. They transferred me here after my dad, and I fought some Xenomorphs. After we fought them, my dad vanished. He and I had been given a mark by two giant aliens.

After all of that, I was brought to the first site for tests and shit. Now I'm stuck in this ultra-boring place. Nothing fun to do except annoy the doctors and guards. And even that gets tedious.

"Ms. Malone to the main laboratory." A doctor called over the intercom. "Ms. Malone to the main laboratory."

I groaned and turned toward the central lab. I walked down the hall at a leisurely pace. When I reached the doors, I heard a loud roar inside. My eyes widened, and I about busted the door off its hinges on my way in.

When I got into the room, I froze. On the table was a massive female alien. And she was pissed. She continuously hissed and snapped at the approaching lab coats. Her head snapped in my direction when the door shut.

Her dekna were narrowed and full of anger. I gulped and looked around for the head lab coat. I spotted him on the floor about five feet away from me. He looked like he either passed out or was killed by the female.

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