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Hey guys I am super sorry for not updating in like a month. School has been crazy busy and I feel like I am having tests every other day and Work is stupid busy they have me on the most ridiculous schedule and I don't get off til 9 and then I don't get home til 10 and then I still have homework and studying and so I don't get to bed til 1-2 and then wake up at 6 and do it all over again. And where I go to school isn't doing a spring break because of covid. So there hasn't really been anytime to write anything but you guys deserve something BECAUSE 1.3K READS IS ABSOLUTELY CRAZY I remember when this hit 100 and I was screaming because that is sooo many but 1.3k is like not even fathomable. Thank you guys soooo much I never really expected anyone to read it but every time I look there are more and more of you guys reading it and it just brings a BIG smile to my face to see the work is being received and liked by so many people. But anyways you guys deserve a chapter or 2 and I have like half of the next one already written so I will try and finish that one soon and get it uploaded for y'all because y'all deserve it. Also Ive been getting into 5sos A LOT more so like if y'all have song recommendations drop them in the comments. OR really any song recommendations I'm kinda getting tired of the music that I listen to right now.

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