Part 4

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Katy's POV

Once i'm done with his cleaning I start to lean him up and I notice him coming out of a daze, it's pretty normal for patients to do that they usually want to think about something else then what is happening in their mouth. I take off my loupes and mask and gloves and take his bib off and throw it away. "Alright so we have to talk" I said. Right as I said it, I saw every muscle in his body tense up. "Don't worry it's nothing bad" I said. His face is still red as a pepper. " So it's never really been an issue until now because I've been noticing it's been causing you pain, but you really need to have your wisdom teeth out asap" I said. He is still speechless. "how long have they been hurting you?" I said. "about a month" he said. "Bud you have to tell me this stuff, I can't help you if you don't tell me" I said. " wait how did you notice" he said. " well you aren't a very good actor it wasn't hard to tell but since I don't want to talk work around you at home I was just going to wait til you told me or til your next appointment" I said. "I'm sorry babe I should've told you sooner it's just i've been too scared to" he said. "don't feel sorry about it bud that's how most people are, but the good news for you is that it's not too late." I said. "How about we make you an appointment next week to get them out and you can have your friends to come with you for moral support because it can be kinda scary" I said. "Fine" he said rolling his eyes . " ok and the other thing which I'm sure you were expecting is, we need to make you a new retainer." I said. " yea I was expecting that" he said. " and would you care to enlighten me why you aren't wearing it?" I said as I turn to table to the side of the chair and start moving it out of the way . "because I don't want to" he said. "ok well geez that's a pretty solid reason man you might win a prize for best excuse " I said sarcastically. "oh and chad has an appointment right after you today so he maybe getting here soon" I say as i'm walking out to go grab supplies. I walk to the back room of the orthodontic side and grab trays and the mixture and head back to see Niall. As I am walking back I stop by my office to see if Noel can give Niall a consult. Thankfully she can that girl is my saving grace. She comes with me as I walk back to the exam room. "Hey Niall" Noel says standing in the door way of the exam room with me behind her. "Woah where did you come from" Niall said. " Im here to give you a consult silly" Noel said. Imagine noel having a super loving and sweet personality and has a slightly high pitched voice but it's ok because it matches her personality. Niall turns around and looks at me dead in the's kinda scary. "Really Katy"He said. "Yes everytime you hav an appointment I have to make a new retainer because the others don't fit which means your teeth are shifting" I said as I walk over to the side of the chair. "whatever" he says as he lefts out a sigh and rolls his eyes. "you got your self here buddy not me, if you would wear your retainer like you are supposed you you wouldn't be here right now" I said. He just kept giving me the stank eye. I walk over to the computer and pull his x-rays up onto the big monitor. it's in the far all right between the crack of the wall and ceiling. Noel takes a look at them while she puts on her gloves,mask and loupes. I stay at the computer looking through Nialls file ready to take notes for what she is about to say. "Ok Niall I am just going to lean you back" she said. she positions the light over his mouth. " open please" she said. Niall shakes his head no. "really Niall why are you acting like his" I said. "The faster we get this done the faster you can go home" she said. she is used to working with children and that always seems to be the trick for them. he sighs and opens his mouth. "thanks" she said. next I hear start call out numbers so I start to type them into the computer. " 21 to 28 are all crooked" she said so I typed it in the computer. "Next is I notice a gap starting for form between 8 and 9. Finally I would recommend the extraction of 1,16,17,and 32" she said so I got it all typed and she sat him up and event over everything she said with him and I noticed after she talked about extracting teeth he seemed worried but she just re assured him that those are just his wisdom teeth.

A/N-sorry kinda a long chapter but I just didn't know when would be a good spot to stop the story thank you guys for reading i have so many ideas for this book! :)

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