12. She's Dead

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I walked into the house, calmed that my dad's car wasn't outside. I quickly went to my room, put down all my bags and began packing. I packed a white crop top, a pair of blue ripped jeans, and some white sneakers. I took the  hoops I had been wearing earlier and stuffed them in the bag as well. I didn't bother to carry any extras because I knew I had a lot of stuff at Jordyn's house already.

As I closed my bedroom door and headed down the stairs, I heard a loud "HALT", as I froze. I turned and found Rosalina standing in front of me, arms crossed with a smirk across her face.

"Very popular now are we? Another attempt to sneak out?"

"Don't tell, alright", I groaned.

"Ah ah ah", she said, shaking her index finger at me. "You owe me, and I intent for my kindness to be repaid."

"Okay fine, what do you want" I said, crossing my arms.

"I'm coming with you."

"No way in hell" I smiled and stared waking down the stairs.

"Umm, yes. Or would you like our dear father to know of his prized oldest child sneaking around? I can't imagine the look on his face" she said, fake gasping. I turned around and glared at her.

"Pack. Now. Hurry" She squealed and smiled as she ran down to where I was, hugged me tightly, and ran back up the stairs. On the second last step, she tripped and fell, but sprung back up as quick as she went down.

"I'm okay" she yelled as she ran to her room and slammed the door. I laughed as I made my way to the kitchen. I took a piece of paper from the drawer and wrote my dad a note telling him that Rosalina and I had gone for a movie and would be back late.

As I put the note on the table at the front door, Rosalia came down the stairs, more careful this time, dressed in sweats and a hoodie with her gym bag swinging side to side.

"Okay, I'm ready", she said, smiling.

"Let's go" I said, slinging my arm over her shoulder.


I ordered a cab as Jordyn did the finishing touches to her makeup and Rosalina finished tying her shoes. After the excess drinking during the last party, I didn't think it a good idea to drive.

They both looked absolutely stunning, with Jordyn in a brown body shaping dress that ended just above her knees with her hair in a high bun and Rosalina in a red bralette along with white jeans and white sneakers, her curly brown hair in a neat ponytail. I had simply brushed my hair out and wore the outfit I prepared, but Jordyn insisted on abusing my face with a beauty blender and thick eyeliner.

"The cab is here", I yelled. I got up from the bed and went over to the cab, the girls following closely behind.

Jordyn gave the driver the address and we were on our way. I felt my phone buzz in my lap, and turned the screen to view the message.

J: Waiting for you :)

I couldn't help but smile as I typed back a smiling emoji and put the phone back down in my lap. Even though it was such a simple message, it made my stomach still fluttered,  making me feel kind of queasy.

Not long after, the car pulled up to the gate of the house. After paying the driver, I got out of the car and gasped.

Troy's house was definitely one of high status, which seemed to be a common theme of the other neighboring houses in the area. From the outside, you could see the glowing lights coming from the garden as well as inside the house. Judging by the exterior, the three story house couldn't be less that ten bedrooms. You couldn't even call it a house, it was a borderline castle.

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