18. Fun Times

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I quickly got dressed into blue ripped jeans, my black sneakers, and a black  t shirt. I fixed my bun considering that it had moved around a lot with Jason putting his hands in it.

Wow, I really needed to stop thinking about him. I mean, I may like the guy, but he's taken over my every thought at every moment. Be it his smile, his walk, his voice, oh his voice.

I shook my head, trying to get rid of my thoughts and focus on my task at hand. We had decided as a group to go to the fair that was passing through town, and we were meant to meet in the next fifteen minutes, and I was running late.

I grabbed my jacket and my phone on the way out, telling Rosalina that I would be back later. As I walked down and out the door, I wondered if she had seen Jason or heard him in the house when he came. I doubted it, she was a heavy sleeper.

I drove to Jordyn's house in a flash and found her waiting outside, scrolling through her phone.

"Come on let's go", I yelled, rolling the window down. She then noticed me and ran to the passenger door, cursing me out.

"I'm sorry I'm late okay", I pouted.

"Where were you", she asked, huffing.

" I was at home, I just lost track of time", I apologized. I wasn't about to tell her about the development in mine and Jason's relationship just yet, but I knew that she would be the first one I tell.

"Alright alright, well come on, let's go speedy Gonzalez."

We made it to the fair with a minutes to spare, finding Frank and Kate at the entrance, waiting for us. We ran to them and hug them individually, then we all linked arms and entered.

In an hour's time, we were able to buy corn dogs, play various  games, go through the hall of mirrors, and now we were headed to the Ferris wheel. We sat two by two, Frank with Kate and I with Jordyn. The Ferris wheel began moving and I watched the sunset, the sun blazing as it said its goodnight. I sighed, calm and relaxed.

"So what's been going on with you", I asked, breaking the silence.

"I've been good. Troy and I have been getting along well ", she smiled, nodding her head slowly. "And how are you and Jason?"

"We're doing good", I said, hesitating. It was hard to explained what was going on with us, but after the development today and the decision to move our relationship forward, I felt a lot more calm to talk about it, but I didn't know exactly what to say .

"We're getting somewhere."

"Really", she gasped, turning towards me, clearly happy.

"Yeah, we're getting to know each other." Technically, it wasn't a lie, I just wasn't ready to tell all the details yet.

I switched the conversation to her and Troy as she filled me in on her date. She explained that he paid, they went to the pier a few minutes away from the restaurant, and they kissed. I was very happy for her and her recent relationship advances. I smiled and nodded as she talked, but I kept missing Jason at the same time. I had seen him in the morning, but it didn't feel like it was enough. I wanted to see him again, I missed him.

Our conversation finished as the Ferris wheel stood at a halt as we got off. The sun had set a long time ago and the sky was dark except for the few twinkling stars that fought against the city lights. We all walked the parking lot, ready to leave.

"I'm glad we spent this day together", Kate nodded as we walked. "I feel like we really needed this". We all hummed in agreement, pondering her words. We really hadn't had time together as a group in a very long time, and I didn't realize how much I had missed my friends.

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