4. Introuctions

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Jordyn and I walked into school, laughing about a story she had told in the car about her neighbors.

"I swear to you, I have never seen something so hilarious", she says in between giggles. I laughed along with her as we got to my locker. I put away the books in my bag and got the ones that I would need for my next class.

"You have Home Ec, right", I asked as I rummaged through my bag looking for my lip balm.

"Yeah, and you have Tech, but remember the welcome committee?"

"Yeah, I'll head there now and see what it's all about"

"Save me the boring stuff and get some juicy details for study hall, cool?"

"Cool", I say fist bumping her before hugging her and walking to the office. I stepped into the office, stopping at the secretary's desk.

"Hi Mrs Meghan", I chirped with a smile.

"Well, hello to you too Vanessa", the old lady smiled as she looked up at me from her computer, "You're looking exceptionally beautiful today."

"Thanks", I say, smiling. Her compliment seemed to sit warmly in my chest, helping me feel a bit more relaxed. I didn't realize how nervous I was about my subtle changes until someone pointed it out.

"Well, the rest of the committee has already begun, so just enter Ms.Park's and see who's assigned to you" she said, lifting her glasses from her head when she was done and proceeded on with her typing after a quick thanks and goodbye.

I stepped into Principal Park's office, getting a slight chill as I walk in. I move my hands to my arms, rubbing them for warmth.

"Good morning Miss Stevens", Principal Park boomed. I walked towards her and shook her hand before I sat down, sinking into the plush, leather guest chair.

"Well, let me make this short so that you can go on with your day", she said, spinning her chair around and swiftly walking to a printer which was humming softly in the corner of the room.

"The other members of the committee have already begun their work with the new transfer students of the year" she said, picking a piece of paper from the printer, " and yours should be here any minute now."

I gulped silently, suddenly aware of my social anxiety beginning to sink in. What if the person is rude? What do they don't like me ? Or maybe nothing will happen at all, I say to myself, not everything in life is so dramatic.

"Well", she boomed, snapping me out of my silent panic, "Here are the things you need to do. It's only one person so you should be able to make it to your next period. You know the drill", she said, handing me the paper with the instructions.

The warmth of the fresh printed paper traveled from my cold hand up the rest of my shivering body. I mentally noted to put on my hoodie before the tour.

"Ms Park", buzzed Mrs Meghan from the phone intercom, " a mister Jason Smith is here."

"Send him in" she said.

I turned around to the creak of a door being opened. I look up to a 6'2 man with a white hoodie and black sweatpants with white sneakers. Suddenly, at my height of 5'9, I felt smaller than ever. His white backpack camouflaged into his hoodie as he stepped into the room, walking swiftly.

"Ah, Mister Smith, what perfect timing" Principal Park stated, smiling. " Welcome to Lincon High."

She shook his hand firmly and proceeded to sit in the chair, signaling for Jason to sit in the one beside me. As he settles, I took a moment to look at him properly.

His brown eyes had a slight sparkle from the sunlight coming in from the window to the right. His milk chocolate brown skin seems to have a natural warmth to it. I mentally scolded myself as the thought of touching him to find out crossed my mind. He furrows his eyebrows as he nods, listening to Principal Park as he went on about the history of Lincon, but I payed no attention, but rather was drawn into his features. His chest calmly rose and fell with his breathing as he looked concentratedly at the principal, but somehow, still somewhat distant.

"And this is Vanessa Stephens. She'll be showing you around the school and helping you get familiar with the campus" I snapped back into reality as I heard my name being mentioned.

"Nice to meet you" I say with a confidence that even shocks me.

"Likewise" he chimed, shaking my hand that I didn't realize I had stretched out. His voice was deep, but calming. Comforting almost.

"Well, Vanessa, I think you can take it from here" Principal Park stared. He stood, and I follow suit, slightly in a daze from my shock. When had I become so confident in front of strangers? I didn't even have enough strength to talk to people that bullied me for years.

"Yeah, I got it, thanks", I said, smiling politely as I waved goodbye. We walked out of the office, with me few steps ahead.

"Well, why don't we begin the tour", I said, slightly shaking as I removed my hoodie from my backpack and put it on. All the confidence I had once held seemed to vanish as soon as we walked out of the office, leaving me in him alone in the hallway.

Control yourself Vanessa, what has gotten into you?

"Sure", he says with a small smile.

* * * * *

"And this is the gymnasium", I said as we entered the large room, my voice echoing ever so slightly seeing as there was nobody in it but us.

"Is basketball season on yet", he asked as he looked around.

"No, but it starts in like, two weeks" I said, eyeing the skylight in the middle of the room. I'm not really a fan of sports, but I do love basketball. There's something about it that just seemed to catch onto me. I could play well enough, minus my bad aim, but never really had the push to try out for the team.

"Cool" he said, walking around slowly.

"And I guess that's it. I've shown you everything" I said, shrugging.

"Umm, can you show me to my next class" he says, stepping towards me, almost in a shy manner.

"Yeah, sure. I don't see why not. What do you have?"

"Study hall" he said, looking at his schedule.

"Oh, that's the same as me. How convenient" I said, mumbling the last sentence under my breath. Throughout the entire tour, I had been nervous that I would mess up or stumble. First impressions were never my strong suit, but I didn't think I did too badly this time round.

"Cool, then we can walk together" he said, now only a few feet away from me.

"Yeah, no problem."

We walked to class together, engaging in polite small talk, in which I found out that he had just transferred from a school across town because his mom got a new job and moved into the neighborhood.

"So you live around here" I asked.

"Yeah, like ten minutes away" he said, pointing the direction.

"Well" I stopped as we got to the door, " this is the official end of the tour"

"Thanks Vanessa" he smiled.

"No problem" I said, giving him a small smile.

"You're not a very extroverted person are you" he asks, leaning against the door of the class, blocking it.

"I am, I'm just nervous when I meet new people", I say honestly, rubbing my arm.

"Well, you don't need to be. Your confidence should match your beauty, and I guarantee you you have the latter" he said before walking inside, leaving me frozen and speechless.

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