17. Three Words

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Jason drove steadily on the road as the sweet symphonies from the radio filled the car, his hand placed back on my thigh and my right hand over his.

After our deep conversation and skin to skin action at the cliff, we had connected in a way I never thought I could with any living person. I finally got to see who he really was and he got to see me in all my rawness, and we realized we had one important thing in common: we were both broken.

As sad as it may sound, it brought us closer together as people. Knowing that there was someone else in our lives that understood what we had gone through is more precious than words could ever describe.

For me, I felt like I found someone I could always talk to, someone I could be my true self around. I mean, Jordyn had always been that person for me, and Kate and Frank were there, but this was different. This was intimate.

I got lost in my thoughts and only realized that we had reached my house when Jason killed the engine and turned to look at me, his hand still not leaving my thigh.

"Thank you, for everything", I whispered as I looked up at him. I no longer felt shy or nervous when looking at him, only longing. A longing for us to keep the connection we had established, a longing to be like this forever.

"Anytime", he smiled back. He leaned forward to kiss me and I reciprocated, putting my free hand on his jaw.

As the kiss broke, I looked into his eyes and saw a flash of emotion, but it was gone before I could decipher what it was.

"So I guess I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Definitely", he smiled. I unbuckled my seatbelt and opened the car to jump out. Before I could, the hand on my thigh pulled me back and he kissed me on my cheek. I don't know why that small gesture caused me to blush so deeply.

"See you in the morning", he grinned. I picked up my bag and closed the door behind me as he switched on the car, ready to leave.

I waved him goodbye as I stepped into the warm house, a wide smile plastered on my face.

"Mi hija, is that you", a voice yelled, bringing me back to reality.

"Uh, yeah, I'm back." I had completely forgotten that my dad might have been home early today. I didn't even notice his car in the driveway.

I walked into the kitchen, following the aroma of cinnamon and sugar. "Hi papa", I smiled as I saw him.

He had on an apron and some low music humming around us as I went up to kiss him on his cheek.

"Where have you been", he asked, eyebrows raised.

"I was at Jordyn's, then I went into town for a bit", I lied. I didn't like lying to my dad, but there was truly no good explanation as to where I was that would suit him.

"Aah, alright. I'm making horchata if you'd like some". I took a moment to look up at his face. He didn't look as tired as he usually did, and he seemed to glow, almost in an inhuman manner.

"Yes definitely. Lemme just change and I'll be right down". I turned to head up the stairs but not before turning back to see him smile and start dancing towards the fridge. I shook my head as I walked up the stairs headed to my bedroom.

Just as I was putting on my hoodie, my door opened suddenly.

"What the hell!" I looked up to see Rosalina shushing me as she entered my room and closed the door softly.

"Good, you're finally home", she whispered.

"What is goi-", she shushed me before I could continue.

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