20. Sell The Act

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A bowl of popcorn and about an hour later, I had finally finished talking, exhaling after the long explanation of everything between me and Jason.

"Wow", was all Jordyn could say. She sat on the floor, her legs crossed with the bowl in between them, a dazed and confused look on her face.

"Now you know everything", I sighed, leaning back onto my bed, facing the ceiling.

"You guys moved so fast in such a short amount of time", she whispered, clearly still trying to grasp the whole thing.

But she was right, we had moved fast. Jason had only moved into the school a couple of months ago and now we were here, in a situation that I couldn't even name. It all felt like a very twisted roller coaster ride, but now that I look back on it, I wouldn't have if any other way.

"You're right", I finally replied, my eyes still fixed on the ceiling.

"So how do you feel about everything", she asked, getting up from the floor and wiping the small crumbs off of her jeans.

"I mean, it's definitely a lot to take in." This is true, I hadn't realized the gravity of the situation until I had actually said everything aloud.

"You're telling me. Here I thought you just liked him, but the whole time you were already shaking up in his bed."

"Hey", I yelled, throwing a pillow at her, "that's not what happened and you know it."

"Well, I'm not that far off", she laughed, throwing the pillow back.

"So", she asked, wiggling her eyebrows, "how big was it?"

"Jordyn!" I yelled, holding the pillow over my face to hide my embarrassment.

"Come on, just tell me, how big", she put her chin in her hands, waiting for me to answer.

"Bhjgn", I mumbled through the pillow.

"Come again?"

"It was big", I said quietly. I turned to look at her and we both burst out laughing.

After talking to Jordyn about everything, I felt a weight lift off of my shoulders that I had no idea was that heavy, which seemed to be a common occurrence lately . Obviously, I hated hiding things from my best friend, but I didn't realize how much it actually weighed on me until I had gotten it all out. In that moment, I swore to myself that I would never hide anything from her again, both for her sake and my own.

"Anyway", I said, snapping out of my thoughts, "enough about me, how are you and Troy?"

A smile crept up on her face as soon as I mentioned his name. I don't even think she realized it was there.

"To be honest, things could not be any better. He's such a gentleman and he cares so much for me. I feel like I'm in heaven."

"So, have you guys.... you know", I wiggled my eyebrows suggestively.

"No we have not", she laughed, " but I think we might do it soon."

"Wow! Are you nervous", I asked, watching her intently. She only smiled and shook her head.

"No, not really. I think I'll be more nervous when it actually happens, but for right now, I feel ready."

"That's great", I smiled at her. "Just make sure you do it when you're ready, don't rush into anything."

"Yes ma'am", she fake saluted. "But for real, I missed you. I didn't realize how much space we had had from each other."

"Aww", I opened my arms to her as she plopped on my bed, covering me in a hug.

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