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His body laid on top of mine, balancing strategically as so not to hurt me, as he moved slowly back and forth. Both our bodies were covered in sweat as the bed shook, the posts banging against the wall. The soft music in the background was barely audible above my loud moans and Jason's groans as I begged him not to stop.

The banging of the bed posts slowly turned into the ringing of my phone as I was jolted awake. I sat up panting, my forehead drenched in sweat as I clung to my bare chest to catch my breath, cursing myself for not switching off my phone. The dream had never felt so real, down to the hot breath on my neck from Jason on top of me. I turned to my side and watched him, peacefully asleep as his body moved up and down ever so slightly. I chuckled softly as I watched him, still in shock from my thoughts.

I turned off my phone, deciding to call back whoever it is at a more decent hour, and curled back into bed, putting his loose arm back around my waist, drifting off to sleep as I imagined my dream becoming a reality.

The morning came by faster than I wanted it to, the sun brightly shining on the dark patterns of the duvet covering my body. I turned around, looking for Jason, but he was gone, the imprint of his body on the mattress taking his place.

I groaned as I sat up and stretched, taking in my surroundings. The curtains were slightly open, hence the beam of light on me. Our clothes were scattered everywhere on the floor, which made me smile. Despite last night being very innocent, the discarding of clothes would have one think otherwise. My vivid dream flashed back into my memory, but I shook it off; I wasn't ready to deal with it just yet.

I got out of bed and grabbed Jason's t shirt from last night off the floor. As I put it on, it fell gracefully down my body, ending just above my knees. I lifted the collar, smelling his cologne off of it as the fabric slowly warmed my body. Putting it down, I walked to brush my teeth, enjoying the fact that I had a boyfriend tall enough for his clothes to be massive on me.

Even saying the word "boyfriend" in my head felt like sugar on my tongue. Having never had one, the words sounded foreign to me, be it mental or verbal. Every time I thought about it, it brought a warmth to my heart. I was staring to understand what all those romance movies were about, no matter how short my time in a relationship may be.

Once I finished brushing my teeth and splashing my face, I tied my hair up in a bun, but due to my rush, a lot of the curls fell from the hair tie, but I shrugged it off, just as long as the hair was out of my eyes, I was fine.

Just as I walked out the bathroom, Jason walked into the bedroom. He was shirtless, the same beam of light bouncing off of his shoulder. In his hands, he held a tray with an assortment of berries, orange juice, whipped cream, and French toast on a plate. A small grey flask was held in his hand underneath the tray as well as two mugs.

He set everything down on his bedside table, lifting his basketball shorts back into place on his waist, and closed the door, locking it. When he finally turned to me, he froze.

"I should be giving you my clothes more often", his morning voice rumbled from his throat, making me giggle.

"I wouldn't mind that", I smiled up at him as he walked towards me, wrapping his arms low around my waist, one hand lightly on the curve of my ass. He's never held me like that before, but I loved it. He leaned down and gave me a peck on the cheek then a quick kiss on the lips, biting my lower lip sightly.

He let me go and jumped into the bed, tapping on the spot next to me, indicating for me to sit beside him. I obliged, climbing in and resting on this shoulder and he held me closer, resting his chin on my hair.

"By the way, what happened last night", he asked, mumbling into my curls.

"What are you talking about", I asked. I held my breath, thinking that he was talking about my waking up in the middle of the night.

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