7. A Taste of Freedom

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Monday morning, I woke up with an ache in my chest. I knew it was because of the cheer list being posted, but I didn't understand why it was affecting me so much. I didn't even want to do this thing in the first place. I checked my phone and immediately saw a text from Jason. We had been texting back and forth over the weekend, but it was mostly awkward because of my clear shyness in comparison to his blatant confidence and bravado.

J:Don't worry about the list, you'll make it.

V:How did you know that's what I was thinking about?

J:Because I know you well enough Vanessa. Now don't worry about it .

I put my phone down after the last reply to go get ready. I decided to change things up a bit and braided my hair in twin braids, which took a lot more time and product than I expected; I guess Jordyn just made it looks so easy. I decided to put on a bit of mascara and lip gloss, just enough to look alive. I put on a white football crop top and black high waisted jeans, picking up my black vans and my backpack on the way out.

"Dad", I asked as I walked into the kitchen, shocked at his presence. He had been busying himself with work to run away from thinking about mum, but it was noticeably taking a toll on him, as he had heavy bags under his eyes, as if he hadn't slept in days.

"Morning mi hija", he said as I kissed his cheek. He had always known how to speak Spanish because he grew up in a Spanish neighborhood in Trinidad, not to mention my mother's heavy influence.

"How are you?"

"I'm alright Nessa", he said, forcing a smile.

"Papa, don't lie."

"I'm as good as I can be", he said, sighing. " I'm better with you and Rosa around."

"Where is Rosa anyway", I asked.

"She's still asleep. She should be up soon", he said.

"Well, I have to get to school", I said, picking up a green apple from the table and kissing him on the cheek.

"Bye Papa" I yelled, grabbing my keys at the door.

"Te quiero mija", he yelled back. I smiled all the way to my car.

"Let's go", Jordyn yelled, yanking my hand as we walked into the school. "They're posting the list." Despite her short stature, her strength was no match for me as she dragged me all the way from my car to the school bulletin board outside of the reception.

"No way", I said. My name was first on the list, meaning I was co-captain alongside Brenda. I blinked again and again as if the words on the paper would change, but there it was, right at the number one spot.

"Congrats babe" Jordyn said, hugging me.

"It gets better" I said smirking as I stepped to the side, giving her room to read the list.

"I got in " she yelled, making those around us turn with concerned looks. I took her reaction as a good sign.

"Was there any doubt" I laughed.

"I can't believe it." she whispered to herself.

"Congrats, you deserve it" I said, hugging her.

"You want to see if your man made the basketball team" she said, wiggling her eyebrows.

"I don't have a man" I said, turning to find the basketball list. Sure enough, Jason Johnson was listed as the captain of the team.

"He's captain" I said turning to her with a slight smile on my face as I pulled my phone out of my pocket.

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