24. Head High

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I brushed out my hair in the mirror of the walk in closet as Jason flipped between different shirts, deciding what to wear. I watched him as he hummed to the song in the background, his back muscles moving as he swiped his arms over the clothes. I uncrossed my legs from my position on the floor, going to my bag to pick what to wear.

Considering I picked clothes in a hurry, the things I picked did not really match one another. I lay them out on the floor, trying to decide which to wear. As I eyed the clothes, I felt his arms snake around my waist, resting his head on my shoulder.

"I like that one", he said, pointing at my red top.

"Alright", I nodded. I picked it from the floor and put it on the table next to me. I settled to go with white ripped jeans that I had also picked out, putting everything else back in the bag.

I turned to face Jason leaning against the door of the closet, watching me.

"Umm, I kind of need to change", I said slowly, hoping he'd get the point.

"Nothing I haven't seen before", he smirked, crossing his arms.

"Get out."

"No ma'am", he smiled deviously. I sighed and pulled his arm, dragging him out of the closet as he laughed. I pushed him out and closed the closet door, his laughter still being here behind it.

After successfully tying the straps of the top across my body and getting my jeans on, I opened the door finding him in his usual position: sprawled on the bed on his phone. I stood where I was for a moment, watching him.

"You know, you can take a picture, it'll last longer", he mumbled from where he was. I rolled my eyes as I sat down next to him, reaching for my phone.

As I turned back, I heard a small "uh oh", making me snap my head back to look at him.

"What's 'uh oh'?", I asked.

"Umm", he started, smiling to himself, "I think you might want to give yourself another look in the mirror."

Panicking, I ran to the bathroom to see what he was talking about. I heard his soft footsteps behind me as I switched on the light and began to analyze.

My hair was fine, it sat well after being brushed out, I didn't have anything out of order on my face, but... I gasped as my eyes reached my neck. I moved closer to the mirror, touching the small purple marks that had formed.

"Are you kidding me", I grumbled to myself as I probed them, hissing softly as I poked them.

"It's just a few hickeys, you'll be fine", Jason snickered to himself at the door.

"I'm going to kill you", I glared at him. The smile on his face still refused to falter, so I ran up to him and pushed him off the door, making him lose his balance. He recovered quickly and walk quickly out of the bathroom.

"I can't even cover it! I don't have my makeup or a scarf", I whined as I walked back to the mirror.

"Leave it. It'll just show people that you're mine", he said, now far from the door. I ignored his comment and pushed my hair down as far as I could. Thanks to the curls, it bounced right back into place, just at my shoulders. I shook it around a bit, which helped cover some marks but not all.

I shrugged, seeing as there was really nothing I could do. I walked out of the bathroom, glaring at Jason, a wide smile on his face.

"I will get you back", I whispered menacingly.

"I sure hope so", he laughed. I rolled my eyes, grabbed his hand, and walked us out of the house and to the car, his laughing echoing strong behind me.

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