Happy Birthday Zhan

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Yibo was riding his bike with Zhan on the back. The ride was silent but soon after Yibo spoke up.

Yibo: Happy Birthday

At first Zhan was confused because his birthday was the day after but as he looked at his watch, his doubts were cleared.

The watch's both hands were exactly on 12. Zhan chuckled looking at it. He was happy that Yibo was the first person to wish him on his 20th birthday.

After a 10 minutes ride, they reached at Zhan's family's place. Zhan got down from the bike and Yibo was about to leave when Zhan stopped him.

Zhan: Are you not coming inside?

Yibo: It's your family time. I don't want to interfere. I am going to be at your party anyways.

Without waiting for Zhan's answer, he left from there. Zhan went inside to meet his worried family members.

Mrs Xiao: A-Zhan. You're here. We missed you.

She went to him and hugged him tightly like there is no tomorrow.

Zhan: Sorry for keeping you waiting Mum.

Mrs Xiao broke the hug and cupped Zhan's face.

Mrs Xiao: Happy 20th Birthday baby. We prepared a little cake for you.

Zhan: Thanks Mum.

His siblings also wished him.

After cutting the cake with his family, Zhan got very tired and Yanli noticed it.

Yanli: A-Xian. You must be tired. Go and take some rest.

Zhan went to the room that he was suppose to stay in. He was so tired that he just laid on the bed and fell asleep.


It was 3 in the afternoon, when someone knocked on the door of Zhan's room.

Mrs Xiao: Are you sleeping again?

Zhan: Mhmn.

He answered in a sleepy voice.

Mrs Xiao: We are going somewhere so I left the lunch in the mini fridge. You only had breakfast so please eat it when you wake up.

He was too sleepy to answer so he just nodded and his mom left with his siblings.


Xiao Mansion

Everyone was in the Xiao Mansion except for Zhan.

Cheng: Mom. He should've arrived by now. Did you not tell him to come home?

Mrs Xiao: I left a letter near the fridge. Is he still sleeping?

Yanli: A-Cheng. It's already 4 pm. Go and bring him.

Cheng: JiJi. But I have to check on the guests.

Suddenly Mrs Wang, who was also sitting with them, suggested.

Mrs Wang: My Yibo can go.

Yibo who was peacefully drinking juice, chocked on it. Zixuan who understood the situation, tried not to laugh.

Zixuan: Yes. Yibo can go.

Yibo gave him a death glare but he was also happy at the sam time.

Without much arguments, he agreed and went to pick up Zhan.

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