chapter 24

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We were in the woods, walking and walking. boys arguing and arguing. sometimes i wish i would bring my cd player but it's whatever i guess.
"Hey guys it's over here!" Ben shouted as he opened to what looked like the entrance of a secret bunker.
There was a ladder leading the way down as everyone went in and me being the last. Richie's voice echoed as he shouted, "What the dick is this, how'd you build it?" I thought it was cool and it smelled of Earth soil and stream water. Kinda dirty though.
"W-when did you build it?" Bill questioned, looking around in amazement.
"here and there i guess" Ben replied, holding his hands looking to see if everyone was in approval, "it was already dug out for something so i just had to reinforce the walls" walking around, looking and pointing, "and get some wood for the roof door and that's pretty much it"
Ben then leaned up against a wooden pillar, "pretty good for my first time huh?" as he finished his sentence the pillar fell and so did part of the roof, almost falling on Bev.
"Yo Bev are you ok?" I yelled as she tried to maintain her balance. she nodded her head.
Richie chuckled, "now that's a cool feature what happens when you put your hand on the other pillar professor?" 
Eddie came around the corner, breathing heavily and flying his hands around, "okay you see this is exactly why there are safety codes, why we have permits, this place is a death trap" he looked to Ben, "you understand that?"
Ben inhaled sharply, "well it's a work in progress ok Eddie."
"just so you know if get hurt you are  liable" Eddie says looking him dead in the eyes, causing a smile to form on my lips.
Eddie then began to look around, "and also what is this, the switch of an iron maiden" he criticized swinging the flashlight.
"that's a flashlight", Ben said bluntly.
"What is that a horse hitch,when do you have horses down here?" Eddie was walking all over the place when he found a paddle ball and picked it up, "oh this is cool." He started to play with it as I watched the ball bounce back and forth.
"that was like 3 dollars so be careful with that, please" Ben sighed.
Eddie stood in front of Stan playing with the paddle ball in his face, "hey stan you see this?"
Stan flinched and covered his face, "yeah okay can you maybe not."
"maybe not what yeah yeah hold on maybe not what be awesome and have fun and celebrate the magic of the paddle ball." Eddie spoke quickly and loudly, hitting the paddle to the ball faster and faster. It eventually snapped off which scared me so I gasped, "wow oh good going fucknut you broke his thing" Eddie yelled, holding his hand out to the broken paddle and ball.
"i broke it?" Stan said, his voice cracking.
"yeah you broke it with your face", Eddie replied annoyed.
"what." Stan bluntly said, rolling his eyes.
Eddie huffed and crossed his arms, "i'm not putting my fucking hand down there."
"Ok then don't." I spoke, sitting on the floor.
"Oh look she finally speaks." Richie jokes. I rolled my eyes and ignored him.
"Y/n, what the actually fuck, are you doing, in the fucking floor." Eddie replied looking at me like I just killed 39 people.
I raised my eyebrow, "my feet hurt."
"so, that's fucking disgusting." he replied
"you act like i don't know that." I crossed my arms.
i covered them, "can you please shut the fuck up. you're giving me a headache. I can sit where I want bitch."
Eddie rolled his eyes, "fine." and walked away to talk to someone else.
not gonna lie that kinda hurt.
Everyone around me were having conversations about everything and anything. people, school, kids they knew, and other stuff while i just sat on the floor. fiddling with my fingers, I decided that I was ready to go home. I got up and climbed the ladder. I heard vague byes and bye y/n but nothing too special.
i walked slowly to my bike seeing if the others would come to me. but by the time i touched my bike none of them were close. I heard laughs and Eddie's and Richie's loud mouths.
Was I upset? yeah i was. It seems like I only hang around them because it's natural and I have too. like it's the only thing we know of to do so i have to be around right? I'm just the little tag along, the accessory to their aesthetic. I always have to speak to them, they don't speak to me. unless they criticize or joke with me. i haven't had a civil conversation with them in like 3 months.
it hurts all over. i know some of them still hang with me just so i'm not left out. but i feel left out anyways.maybe i need a break. a long break to take care of myself. you know what i'll start in August. I'll give them one more chance.
i was already close to town, they probably just left now since it's getting late but i mean who knows.
not me of course, i don't even know them anymore.
My eyes started to get blurry so I blinked the blurriness away. it worked surprisingly.
In about 10 minutes I was at my front yard.
"Y/n!" I spin my head around seeing William, waving.
I waved back and returned the smile he gave me as I walked inside.
Breathing in the smell of vanilla and smoked wood.

hey guys!!! hope you've been doing swell. sorry it's been taking me a little while to update. school's just being way too much atm smh. but anyways yayyyy new part! (sorry if anything is messy i'm being a little lazy and don't feeling like fixing much lol)

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