Chapter 13 (sorry if you don't like long chapters)

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The group of three raced to Eddie's house on their rugged bikes. The good thing is is that it's not very far. They arrived and Y/n hitched her bike on the kickstand near the end of the drive, while the boys threw their bikes down and raced to the door.

You knocked, not hearing much shuffling through the house. Richie and Bill were goofing off and acting stupid.

"Shut the fuck up." You said side eyeing them. Richie rolled his eyes as Bill just stood there with a smile creeping on his lips. You knocked once again, finally hearing someone come to the door. The door quickly was opened and stood Eddie. The sun shining in his hair. The two boys rushed ahead of you and shoved you to enter. Eddie rolled his eyes as Bill and Richie raced into the kitchen. "Ugh they're so rude, they forgot about the 'ladies first' rule." Y/n and Eddie walked together, "The thing is they are ladies." You couldn't help but chuckle a small laugh. He noticed and looked at you smiling. Surprisingly you guys were the same height. Your mother cursed you with smallness. You both entered the kitchen and Y/n went to sit at the island bar, she swung her bag on the table. Eddie came over and closed all the cabinets that were left open, "Take everything but the delicious deals, guys. My mom loves 'em." He came over to the fridge and grabbed a Dr. Pepper and handed it to you. Eddie walked over to Bill, "Hey, first you said the barrens and now you're saying the sewers {Eddie's voice went into a lower whisper} I mean, if we get caught?"

Bill got on the same whisper level and grabbed a bag of chips, "We won't, Eds. The sewers are public works. We are the public, aren't we." Richie went up behind you and grabbed your bag. You jolted a little from the slight hand rubbing against your back. Richie laughed, "Haha I scared you."

You rolled your eyes and shook your head, "Pff yeah, that face could scare anyone." Richie handed the bag over to Eddie and turned toward you putting a hand over his heart, "Uh how dare you, my face is amazing." She rolled her eyes and sipped her drink, "Pf yeah sure." He huffed and went to open more cabinets.

Richie opened a top one and glanced in side nudging Eddie and pointing, "Eddie, are these your birth control pills?"

Eddie rolled his eyes and quickly shut the cabinet, "Yeah, I'm saving them for your sister. This is private stuff." Richie turned away and walked to the fridge, "Yeah sure, probably for Y/n." He mumbled. You looked up from where your head was down. "Huh what was the Toizer?" His glasses fell to his nose, "Huh?" Y/n shook her head and began to drink more of her Dr. Pepper.

Richie and Bill were out of the kitchen as a soft tap hit your shoulder. She perked up, seeing a somewhat smiled/worried Eddie look. He handed you your bag and whispered in your ear "Don't tell the boys but I put in one of those delicious thingys." You smiled and went to get up, "Thanks Ed."

The losers were close to the door until Eddies mother stopped them. You gave her a soft smile and she returned one. Surprisingly she liked you. Yes, your mother was friends with her, but it seemed like when you came over she actually enjoyed your presence. Or it could be self pity of your brother and father dying. Or how she understood what it was like a father dying since Eddie's father passed away a few years ago. Of course that's why she was always up tight about medical things.

"Eddie dear, where you all off to in such a rush?"

Bill face flashed a bit red and squeezed his bag strap, "Uhm just m-m-my backyard Ms. K. I got a new..." It went a sort silence. "A new croquet set. {Y/n and the rest sighed in bit of relief.} Jeez spit it out blubber Bill." Richie retorted slightly punching Bills arm.

"Okay." Sonia said in a bit of disbelief.

Once again the losers were so close out the door. "Oh and sweetie, {they turned around to face her} don't go rolling around in the grass, especially if it's just been cut. You know how bad your allergies can get." As Y/n thought, very medical worried.

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