Chapter 17

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"Holy fuck y/n, you scared me!" Eddie yelled as the boys shoved by her.

"Hey y/n/n, got any snacks i think Ben boy here is hungry." Richie said patting Bens stomach earning him a smack at the hand.

Y/n nodded, "uh yeah, we have banana pops in the fridge."

"Sweet." Stan said racing his way to the fridge grabbing one for every boy.

"So whatcha doin here anyways?"Y/n asked putting away a book.

"We w-were wondering if y-you wanted to come to B-Bens with us?" Bill replied shyly glancing your way. Y/n nodded, "uh yeah, i don't have much to do here anyways."

"Ight cool les head out." Richie said making his way to the door, the rest following.

Bens house/

They pulled up to Bens driveway, Eddie falling off his bike. You had to laugh, there was no possible way not to. Air barely escaping your lungs as you wheezed and grasped for air. Holding onto your stomach tightly.

"WHAT THE FUCK Y/N!" Eddie cried out sitting on the ground, clinging onto his knee.

"W-whAt?" you wheezed out, your lungs and stomach hurting, the moment replaying in your head.

"Fuckin thanks for wondering if i'm ok." Eddie huffed, air hissing between his teeth.

"S-sorry Ed's, ar-are you ok?" you said in between laughs and gasps for air.

"fucking no my knee hurts and no one is helping me up."

of course the others that were still outside were having a blast at laughing at Eddies fall. some though went inside.

You let out a laugh, putting a hand out to wait for Eddie to take it. He did and pulled himself up, brushing himself off.

He huffed and you began laughing again.

"Oh shut the fuck up y/n. it's not funny."

Your face went shock but back to laughter, "B-bitch yes it wa-was. Your f-fucking face!"

"i know it was cute."Eddie said sassily.

"I don't know about that one?" Eddie shook his head and made a pouty face. You made one back playfully.

they entered the house, a smile stained on your lips as you would let out chuckles. Eddie giving you a glaring eye.

It was a sweet smell in the house. It reminded you of an apple farm. Sweet smell of freshly ripe apples and a bit of cooking smoke. A cool breeze hit your face, a window cracked open to let that smoke out.

Pictures of what you guessed baby Ben were ever so often on the wall. Pictures of family photos or painting stood still looking back at you. you smiled at a family picture for it was sweet and cute of how Ben was holding a precious baby in his arms.

you made it down a hall and to a brown door. It opened widely as you saw Ben, Beverly, and Bill standing around looking at black and white photographs.

You glanced, your fingers slightly touching the paper as you carried your way through the old.

Something caught your eye,

"Hey Ben what's this about?" You ask turning your way looking to the sweet boy.

He looks at the paper your looking at, "Oh that? that's the charter for Derry Township."

"Nerd alert." Richie whispered next to you.

"Actually, it's kinda interesting." You said looking back to Ben with a smile.

"Uh Derry started as a beaver trapping camp-"

Richie cut him off, "Still is," Richie chuckles glancing Beverly's way and back to the group, "Am i right boys?" His hand went for a high-five as Stan put it down. Beverly's face went stoned for a second, rolling her eyes at Richie's stupidity. Your eyes wandered, Eddie catching your eyes. You look at him, almost staring like. You glanced around his face, studying his features. His brown eyes, his small freckles, his pink chapped lips, the small mole under his ear, then back up his face to his now wrinkled forehead as he was looking at everything in confusion and worry. You were dazed out making your way out of the conversation. Studying Eddies pretty features that he would consider flaws. His lips move from a frown into a straight line, then again his lips moved sound

comin out of his mouth outing into the real world.

"Jesus, we can go on 'Unsolved Mysteries'" He replied, shaking his head. By now you were glancing at everything else besides him. Hoping no one noticed you staring.

"Let's do it. You're brilliant! Right y/n?"

Richie yelled, nudging his elbow at your side, you inhaled deeply, "Maybe." then shrugged.

You made your way to Bills side hearing Richie whisper, "Maybe he's just trying to make friends, Stanley."

Bill turned to you then to Ben, "Where w-was the well house?"

Ben shrugged, "I don't know, somewhere in town i guess. Why?"

Bill looked around a simple, "nothing" coming from his lips.

Everyone left, some going the same way some seperating. You went a separate way. You walked peacefully down the side walk. Chilly air carassaing your neck. You shivered. It's June this shouldn't be happening?

You shrugged off the weird feeling and walked faster to your house.

You made it, walking inside, a strong smell of pot hitting your nostrils.

A boy, a bit older than you sat on your mothers couch. Holding the joint in between his long fingers.

You stood close to the door, holding on to the knob just in case of sudden leaving.

"Who the fuck are you?" You screamed, clutching your sweaty hands on the door.

"Your brother idiot."


kinda short chapter but it's ok, at least somethings up. my parents found out about this account and they're pretty not ok. 

then my profile says i have 0 followers???? i hope that's not true...

today has been stressful, i'd rather be at school

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