chapter 15

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I stayed home that day and decided that I probably wasn't going to the quarry. I was feeling like shit. My mom was at work so I had time to myself. I pulled out an old record player from under my bed and an old record. I didn't pay any attention to what this record was to play and I didn't care either. I'm probably going to get a call from the losers making sure if I was coming or not but I just wasn't feeling it, I was out of it really. As the player played I felt myself swaying to the song, while sweeping my room. I heard a soft, gentle, eerie knock against my window. I turned to look but nothing was there. A squirrel at the most. Then four large knocks. Like ones you would use to go into someone's house. But so much louder. I turned. Nothing. I felt a shiver go down my back and my breathing started to hitch. I pulled out my inhaler. Yeah I owned one but I didn't need it unless of a sudden panic attack or something. "This isn't funny," I took in two large heaps of the medicine inside, "Richie, this isn't fucking funny." Since i was turned to the window you'd think the knock came from there. There was nobody there so, my only other option was my closet since my door was widely opened. I didn't want to open it. I wanted to run away but something pulled me closer. The song coming towards the player stopped and my broom fell from the wall it was up against. I couldn't breathe. My lungs hurt but I ignored it. I went closer to the door and opened it turning the light on. No one was in there except a small item. A fucked up little boat. I knew this boat only belonged to one person. Jonathan. I felt a large guilt rampage throughout my body. Ever since then. I almost entirely forgot. I wanted to cry so hard, but i was too scared to even move. I remembered though that the boat was fixed. It was all pretty and blue this boat was all red and brown with a scribble from black marker.

I tried to stop thinking about it then a voice caught my attention, "Y/n?" I turned around to see the pretty boy I once knew as my brother. But this couldn't be him, he was all dirty and bloody. I gagged at the sight, blood. I could not stand blood. He's black hair all messy and curly, he's star freckles were gone and his skin tone was a sickly pale. I couldn't stand to see him like this, I couldn't stand to see him cry. Tears fluttered in my eyes, "J-Jonathan?" He cracked a lil bitty smile, "It's me Y/n, It's me." I had an urge to hug him and kiss him all over, but the same urge kept me back. Kept me frozen. "Yeah Jonathan I see you." I put my hand onto my mouth as my lip quivered. "Y/n, the clown, it got me, and you let it get me."

I instantly fell at those words, "I-I wouldn't let anything get you Jonathan, you gotta believe that."

His eyebrows arched and his lips trembled, "I've been living in the sewers, you see me! All dirty! This was you!"

"I see you! I see you!" I burst into tears, his face still the same arched eyebrow with a loud tone in his voice. He would never yell at my though. "I know, I know and I'm sorry. I didn't-"

His tone getting louder, "What y/n what didn't you know? That I would get taken by a clown? You didn't know that? You didn't even care that I was gone!"

I shook my head rapidly, "I did care! And yeah I wouldn't of ever thought you would have to live in the sewers! And sorry you did! B-but you're home now."

He shook his head, "What home, I don't need you. I have someone better to take care of me now."

The words "I don't need you." hit me hard. I was towards the small boy until I felt a large heap of cold air against my neck. My dead father. He was wearing a hospital gown, an IV machine next to him. His eyes were white, no color, but besides that he looked...fine. Then blood started to run out of his mouth and wounds popped all over his body, bleeding, just bleeding all over my floor. The blood was all drained leaving a pile of meat on the floor that was once my father. The blood that was stretched on the floor began to build up into a figure of some sort. Slowly it built, but at the same time it was fast. Then a clown stood in front of me. I screamed, hoping someone would hear me, but no. The clown got closer to me, breathing harder than saying, "Heyy y/n, heard you liked balloons." IT stood there just standing there with it's ugly dirty white costume and orange fiery hair with a red balloon. I mumbled, "Yeah but not from some fucker like you."

"What was that sweetie?" He slung the word sweetie in an evil way. Before I knew it, he disappeared. "What the fuck...?" was all I thought. One, why didn't it eat me. Two, why didn't it like come near me. I had too many questions, but you know what it doesn't matter, it's gone. My phone rang, I walked over to it and picked it up, "Hello?"

"Hey y/n/n."


aw foq i forgot a part sorry bout dat...

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