chapter 18

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"Y-you can't be my brother?" you stuttered out, "my brothers dead."

he rolled his eyes, "yeah my brothers dead too."

you shook your head in confusion, "that doesn't make sense."

"my brother's your brother."

trembling, you didn't know what to do, "where's my mother?"

"You mean our mother," he said bluntly, fiddling with the weed blunt in his fingers, "you shouldn't be so stingy with her."

"you're not my brother."you replied harshly, you wish you could force yourself to believe this but you couldn't, his looks reminded you too much of Jonathan's, his hazel eyes matching your mothers, his indent in his chin looking too much like your fathers.he nodded slowly, pulling out a photo, "explain this then." it was your parents but younger, way younger than you expected, they were maybe around the age of 14-15, holding onto each other, smiling brightly.

"you could've gotten that from anyone."

he shook his head and looked out the window, "just wait till mom gets back."

"well, if i were you, i'd throw that out and make the house smell better, wouldn't want to make a bad first empression on the first day now wouldn't we?" you said with a sarcastic voice and a wink.

he huffed and rolled his eyes, throwing out the fresh blunt, "where's the fabreeze?"

you pointed to the kitchen, "3rd cabinet, but if i were you i'd use cologne too, and i'd burry the blunt outside, mom can spot anything."

he nodded passing you, walking to the kitchen.

you were less tense and more relaxed, if this boy is who he says he is, then, you don't really know at the moment.

you head to your room, a door opening and shutting was heard.

"Y/n!" your mother yelled.

you scrambled down the stairs seeing your shocked face mother.

you crossed your arms, "who's this?"

she shook her head, "i'm not so sure y/n, who-who are you?" Amanda stammered out.

"your kid." he replied bluntly, tearing the wrapper revealing a banana pop.

"i-i only have one."

"well two, you had two." he said, examining it and taking a bite.

"yeah, i h-had two, but not three."

"Tyler. you had a first born named tyler."

her lip trembled as you stood confused, but you held your ground and stayed silent.

"tyler?" she walked over to the ragged boy and went to hug him.

you stood shocked. your arms fell.

"what's going on?"

your mother broke from the hug, looking to you with sadden eyes, "well honey, this is your brother."

"but how?" you weren't very shocked, since you had the conversation not even 10 minutes ago.

"you see, your father and i were very dumb kids. when i found out i was pregnant i immediately told your grandma, she wasn't happy but she helped me the next 9 months. the plan was for me to give birth and set him up for adoption. we were only 14, we weren't ready for any commitment."

"then why'd you not give me up?"

"because, i couldn't bear to let another one of kids go."

"and she was 17, she was more matured." tyler said throwing his trash away.

"why did you have kids at such a young age anyways?"

"i wanted to see my kids grow up." your mother said through held back tears, you always wondered this, she's such a young parent of only 30. she had a whole life to live.

you nodded and headed to your room, you motioned your mother to follow, she did, leaving your brother alone on the couch.

"watch out for him." you whispered, "i saw him with a blunt earlier."

she nodded and smiled, giving you a quick, tight hug.

you run up the stairs to tell your new york friends. you talk to them on a regular now and things are less awkward.

the squad decided to see you very, very soon. probably in the next two weeks on the weekend.

the plans weren't very fitted out yet.

you almost fell up the stairs trying to hurry to the phone as fast as possible, a thing you never do. you were lazy as fuck.

you picked up the phone, waiting for the dilator.

moments passed and you heard a loud but quiet ring.

"hey, Will speaking."

"it's y/n, and i got some shit to tell you."

"ok ok, lemme get the gang."

it was a long pause and a bunch of shuffling going on.

"YO BITCH I FUCKING MISSED YOU." alice screamed, you put the phone away from your ear and laughed out loud.

"i talked to you not even 24 hours ago juju."

"ion give a fuck. it's been too long and i missed you."

"i missed you too." you cooed, more shuffling going on.

"hey pretty skizzy." you did a quick heart eyes at the nickname, you missed it, and Alex's deep voice. you haven't talked to him in two days and your ears lingered to hear the candy of his voice.

"hey cutie patuttie." you both laughed at the childish nicknames you gave eachother years ago.

"i missed you." alex cooed.

"i missed you too bangers." you said in a sarcastsitc-playful tone.

"get out of the way you ugly bitch." you heard more mummers and muffles.

"heyyyyy my best friendddd." sammueal sang out.

"hey sammy, i missed ya." you said sweetly through the phone.

"i know you did." he said playfully, but more scuffles were hear.

"now back to what you were saying." will yelled, making you cover your ears and laugh.

"i have a brother i never knew about."

"sh, guys shut the fuck up i can't hear her. and i'm not repeating what she says, sorry y/n/n what?"

will yelled but began to talk quietly in the end as it all went hushed.

"i have a brother i never knew about."

"really where?" alice said deviously.

you stifled a laugh, "downstairs and he's 16 buddy."

"and, i'm 14."

you shrugged, and chuckled, "you're dumb."

"dang y/n, i love you too."

"i do love you though juju."

"juju shut up, how'd you find out?" Alex asked.

"uh i came through the door and there he was.""really? that reminds me of those movies. ya know?"you laughed, "for sure it does."

they all began to drift in different conversations and ended up talking to your mom, but not mentioning anything about the mysterious sibling. you love your friends in Derry, but sometimes it would be nice to have the same smell and surroundings and be living in New York again.


yo it's an update and tysm on 10.1k reads that's so cool. you guys are cool. and i hope y'all stay safe.

and like i have a friend that lives in the Netherlands and like ya know i live in America but is it bad that i started laughing because of the way the kid said "fuck." like i don't know i was crying because like it sounds british but at the same time it's not. it do be kinda cute tho🤭. anteyways have a great week or month or year! until next time luvs

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