Chapter Four - Halloween Aftermath

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This chapter is set during Chapter Eighteen, Chapter Nineteen and Chapter Twenty of His Sunshine.


Liam's POV


Liam's POV

"Do you think we should stop them?" Anna whispers to me as she holds up her phone, recording Layla and Reece. I'm only mildly concerned about the fact that they're putting handcuffs on.

"Nah, this'll make for a good story." I chuckle, bending down to wrap my arms around her waist from behind. I can't deny that I've been very clingy with her tonight. I just can't keep my hands off her for some reason. After homecoming, I've felt like something between us kind of slotted into place. Like something finally clicked and now I can't stand her not being mine. I'll work up the courage soon. I will. I have to.

The two of us watch quietly as they put the handcuffs on, attaching themselves to each other. Once they're on, Anna stops recording them and puts her phone down, turning in my arms as she shakes her head. She looks up at me with a smile. "They're gonna regret that in the morning."

"Let's not think about that," I tighten my hold on her and start swaying with her in my arms, leaning down to be closer to her. "Dance with me, Annie."

"I've been dancing with you most of the night!" She giggles but doesn't step away from me. She lifts her arms to hook around my neck, looking up at me with bright turquoise eyes.

"Yeah, but it's not enough." I mumble, ducking my head to rest it in the crook of her neck. This is definitely the alcohol that's making me so forward, but I don't care. She must know by now that I have feelings for her.

"Come over here," She murmurs, pulling me over to the couch that Reece and Layla have now left unoccupied. I sit down and drag her into my lap, pressing a kiss to the side of her neck. She smells so fúcking good, man. Like heaven, I swear.

"You're lucky you're comfy," Anna mumbles, lifting a hand to run her fingers through my hair. I hum against her neck in appreciation, letting my eyes fall closed. I kind of want to kiss her neck some more but even in my drunk state, I know that I shouldn't.

"You love me," I mutter, tightening my hands on her waist.

She doesn't reply, but she doesn't deny it either. I feel her crane her head then a little kiss is pressed to the back of my head. I grin. That's a good enough response for me.

"Go out with me tomorrow night." I mumble against her neck suddenly, completely out of the blue. My brain is not properly functioning, but I've been wanting to ask her all night.

"What do you mean 'go out'?" She asks, her hand pausing in my hair.

"The two of us haven't gone out together in forever, we've just been watching movies lately. Go out with me." I elaborate, lifting my head from her neck to look into her eyes.

She smiles, nodding softly. "Tomorrow night."

I grin, ducking my head and smooshing my face back into her neck. "Sounds perfect to me."


"Is that everyone?" Annie walks into the front hallway as I'm shutting the front door and I turn to face her with a nod.

"The last few just stumbled into an Uber. Are Reece and Layla still passed out on the couch?" I ask, walking towards her.

"Completely. Can you believe they hid the keys?" She exasperates with a shake of her head.

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