Chapter One - Questioning

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Macy's POV


I sit alone in the comfortable coffee shop chair, swirling the barely-warm coffee around with my spoon in the half-filled cup. My other hand I'm using to keep my head propped up with my elbow on the table as I watch the brown liquid swirl. I pause my movements for a brief moment to check the watch resting on my wrist for what feels like the hundredth time since I got here. Which, according to my watch – was thirty minutes ago.

And I'm still waiting on my boyfriend, Gavin.

He said that he will meet me in the coffee shop on campus straight after his last lecture of the day which should have ended at around one. It's now half past one. I have a lecture of my own starting at two and I have been hoping to spend some time with my boyfriend beforehand. But at this rate, I will be spending the next half an hour alone.

As usual.

I really, really like Gavin. When he told me he loved me three months into dating I told him that I love him too. Because I thought I did. Lately I have been starting to question that.

Gavin and I have been dating since our Junior year of high school. We are now in our Junior year of college so it has been about four years. Four years next month, actually.

Lately I have been questioning my feelings for him. I thought I loved him. And maybe I do, but I don't think it's in the way I'm supposed to. He's funny and really smart. He's super athletic and passionate about everything he does. He's kind and welcoming and generous. There's really nothing to hate about him.

Except for the fact that I'm pretty sure he's cheating on me.

I've had my suspicions for a while now but... I'm not even that mad. I can feel that we're drifting apart and I just don't really love him like I thought I did. Maybe I never really have been in love with him. I wouldn't be surprised.

My relationship with Gavin hasn't been the only thing I've been questioning though.

I think I might be bi.

See, I know I'm not a lesbian because I most definitely like díck. I mean, come on, I don't think I would have stayed with Gavin for so long if he hadn't been so good in bed. But I also don't think I'm completely straight. I've never really had the chance to explore that side of my sexuality because I've been with Gavin since I was sixteen. I'm twenty now, almost twenty-one and I've only ever had one relationship.

So, why do I think I'm into girls? Well, they're fúcking gorgeous that's why. They're hot as fúck. I've always thought that but I always just assumed I just thought they were pretty or I aspired to look like them.

That is until I had a dream about making out with one of my female co-workers at the garden centre I used to work at a couple years ago. Yeah, I think I'm into girls as well.

Which means I most certainly need to break up with Gavin. But even if it wasn't for the whole 'I might be bi' thing, I think I still need to break up with him because things just aren't working anymore. I'm planning on talking to him tonight and him not showing up to our coffee date only proves that we need to talk.

I'm about to just get up and ditch the rest of my less than subpar coffee when I glance up and lock eyes with someone who literally takes my breath away. I genuinely feel like I can't breathe when I stare into those deep brown eyes.

First of all, her outfit is fúcking amazing. She wears a tight cropped black t-shirt with white jeans with black flames on the front and back pockets with a black belt. I'm sorry but that's the hottest thing I've ever seen in my life.

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