Chapter Four - Revelation

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Max's POV


Okay. She's sitting right next to you. You're alone in the car so she can't run away from you. Just say it.

I glance at Bella out of the corner of my eye and curse inside my head. How am I supposed to tell her that I have feelings for her when she's sitting next to me looking like the most perfect angel and I'm just... her best friend. I can't do this.

She looks fúcking incredible as usual and I swear I just want to reach over and kiss her right now. She looks gorgeous in everything she wears and her outfit today is no exception.

 She looks gorgeous in everything she wears and her outfit today is no exception

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I'm driving the both of us back home after my basketball game tonight. She always comes to every game of mine and I go to all of hers. We went out to get dinner with the team afterwards so it's pretty late now. I've been trying to work up the courage to tell her how I feel ever since Saturday and it's Friday now and I still haven't been able to do it. It's been a lot harder to do than I first thought.

"What are you thinking so hard about?" Bella's soft voice brings me out of my thoughts and I turn to look at her briefly before turning my gaze back to the road.

"Nothin', Angel," I mumble, trying to think up an excuse for my silence, "Just thinking over tonight's game."

She laughs, the sound like music to my ears, "You won, Maxy, and you played amazingly. You have nothing to think over."

I sigh softly, "Yeah, you're right."

"Of course I am." She replies smugly as I turn into her driveway. Her face deflates slightly when she sees that she is home and she turns to me with a sigh. "We gonna do something tomorrow?"

I nod immediately, not even having to think about it, "Of course. Text me when you wake up."

Bella laughs, rolling her eyes, "More like you text me when you wake up, sleepy head!"

I chuckle, nodding my head in agreement, "Fine. I'll text you."

She smiles, "Good." Then she leans forward and places a quick kiss to my cheek. "Bye, Maxy!"

Once again I'm left just staring breathlessly after her as she makes her way inside, my heart beating out of my chest. She does that with one kiss on the cheek. If I ever actually do get the chance to kiss her, I'm pretty sure I will have a heart attack.

Reluctantly, I pull out of her driveway and start the drive home. The whole time my mind is on her. The gorgeous smile she gave me just before she left. The weird tingles that shot down my spine when she kissed my cheek. How the smell of her watermelon shampoo still lingers in my car and overtakes my senses. How fúcking beautiful she looked on the side-lines of my basketball game, cheering me on while wearing my number on her back. Just to show the world that she is mine, even if she really isn't just yet.

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