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Layla walked into work. Her head was a mess. She knew that she was pregnant and that her hormones were all over the place but she was worried that she was starting to develop feelings for cal again and she didn't know what to do or think over the whole situation. 

Layla walked into the staffroom and sat down. Layla sighed as she sat with her head in her hands and sighed. She looked as Lola walked into the room and looked to Layla and frowned

"hey. Are you okay" Lola asked as Layla shock her head

"I hate you I think you were right over cal" Layla said as Lola looked to her and smirked

"oh I knew it. You should tell him" Lola said as Layla looked to her and rolled her eyes

"why so he says that we should get back together when I know that he will only end up hurting me again. I may still love him but it means nothing esme. We are better off as friends" Layla said as Lola looked to her and rolled her eyes

"your having his baby"

"exactly the point. We need to get on for her sake and us being together isn't going to do that. It's for the best" Layla said as she stood up and walked out of the room as Lola looked to her and sighed knowing how stubborn her best friend was 

Layla stood by reception as she stood filing out a form as cal walked over to her

"I haven't seen you all day"

"I've been busy saving life's Caleb" she said as he looked to her and smirked

"oh I love how you say my name. Talking of names. I think we need to talk over names for this one I mean we can't call her baby forever" cal said as Layla nodded

"that's a good idea. My head is just a mess. Can we do it later this week. I just want to go home and sleep tonight" she said as cal looked to her and frowned. Cal knew that Layla had been off with him lately and he was worried

"hey. We are okay aren't we I mean I know we have been through a lot and that but it's my baby and I want to be involved and I know I messed up and I will never not be sorry over that but we are okay aren't we?" Cal asked as she looked to him and smiled

"of course we are. I'm sorry I'm just in one of those moods. It's all okay" Layla said as cal looked to her and smiled.

"No matter what I am here for you lay, you know that right" cal said as Layla smiled

"i know"

Layla walked out of resus and sighed to herself as she saw cal as he stood with Ethan. She stood watching him for a moment and sighed. She didn't know what to think but she knew it was a mess.

Layla knew that deep down that she still loved cal and that she did want to try but she was scared that she would end up hurt again but could Layla really open up her heart again to him with the risk of being hurt again or would she just keep it secret?

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