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Layla lay in bed and groaned. She was on maternity leave and she was meant to be resting but she knew that she was bored and she was uncomfortable. She looked to cal as he stood getting ready for work

"I wish that you were off with me. I hate sitting around this flat on my own" she said as cal looked to her and smiled

"I know it's hard but it will be okay. We are going to have our baby soon and you need to rest and even if we don't have a name for her yet. Besides when she comes I'll be off for a few weeks to help and it will be okay" he said as she looked to him and smiled

"I know I just want this baby out of me and I Know I won't be saying that when I am going n labour but I'm just so uncomfortable right now" Layla said as cal looked to her and smiled

He helped her stand from the bed and smiled as he placed a hand on her cheek and smiled "your a superwoman carrying our baby and just think one more week and she will be here. You can do this" cal said as he leant in and kissed her

Layla looked to him and smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled "I love you" Layla said as cal looked to her and smiled

"I love you too. I know that your going mad in the flat with Lola is off and coming around later and I know how your nesting for the baby anyway so that will keep you busy" cal said

Layla looked to him and smiled. She knew how things were a mess and she hated it. She knew that she was scared but excited to have her baby

Layla sat in the flat as she heard a knock at the door. She groaned to herself as she got up and answered the door as she saw Lola and smiled as Lola walked inside

"Hey how are you doing. Are you ready for this baby" Lola asked as Layla smiled

"I'm fine. I'm just tried and I'm sick of being pregnant I mean I can't wait to have this baby but I'm sick now" Layla said as Lola looked to her and smiled

"You do look tired. Cal called and told me over how down that you are feeling. It's normal I mean your at the end of your pregnancy and you feel as if you can't do anything but it will be okay" Lola said as Layla smiled

Layla knew how she was right and how she was more than ready when it came to having this baby

Layla stood in the kitchen as she tidied up. She frowned as she felt a small pain in the bottom of her back. She groaned as she bent over slightly. She knew that this wasn't the false labour signs that she had been having

She knew it was more. She grabbed her phone off of the side as she started to call cal and groaned

"Babe are you okay" cal asked as he answered the phone as Layla groaned in pain as she looked to her bump

"Cal I think I'm in labour" she said as she felt wet and looked down and frowned

"Scratch that my waters just broke...I'm scared" she said

"It's okay get the bag I'm on my way. We're going to have a baby" cal said as she smiled to herself but we're she and cal ready?

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