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Layla groaned as she woke up. She reached across in bed and frowned as she realised the bed was empty. She sat up and frowned. She brushed her messy hair out of her face and stood up. She walked out of the room and smiled. She saw him with matilda and smiled to herself. She pulled Cals shirt that she was wearing around herself and smiled. She loved the bound that he and matilda had, and she couldn’t help but feel jealous towards it all. She kept thinking of what it would be like if they had a baby. She knew he would be a good dad but she was scared of being a mum, she didn’t know if she would be a good mum. Layla knew that it wasn’t a good time for them to be parents together, not when Cal had matilda. Layla looked to Cal and he smiled to her "so, you left me alone in bed for another woman?" She asked as Cal smirked "you know I love you, your still my favourite girl, well it’s a tie" Cal said as Layla smirked. She walked over to him and kissed him. She smiled to him and down at matilda and smiled "i have to get ready for work, but I'll see you there" layla said as Cal looked to her and smiled "can you go in just my shirt, you look hot" he said as Layla smirked. She turned and looked to him over her shoulder and smirked "I know" she said


Layla headed into work and stood with Lola outside of the ED. She smiled as she spotted Cal and Ethan walking into work with Matilda. Who was asleep in the car seat. "how's it going?" Lola asked as Layla side. She took a sip of her coffee and sighed "hard, it's really hard actually" Layla said as Lola looked to her and smiled "you and Cal are good, you will work it out" Lola said as Layla nodded. Layla walked off into the ED, she spotted Cal who was holding matilda "hiya toad" he said to matilda as Layla rolled her eyes "don’t call your daughter a toad, there's child abuse doctor knight" Layla said as Cal looked to her and smirked "oh hush" he said to her as she rolled her eyes at him.

Layla sighed as she stood in the staffroom. Lola walked in and smiled to her "are you okay?" She asked as Layla sighed "I'm fine, I'm just tired. Are you okay?" Layla asked Lola shrugged "Lola?" Layla asked as Lola sighed. She walked over and took a seat. Layla walked over and took a seat next to her "since my dad, I don’t know..i mean me and lain have been getting close a lot and its great ad we have kissed a few times. We even slept together once. I like him a lot but I'm scared, I'm scared of letting him in. What if I lose him like my dad?" Lola asked as Layla looked to her and smiled "Iain is a great guy and he won't hurt me trust me, you have lost your dad and you are struggling with it all. Don’t push him away Lola, I see how he looks at you, he likes you a lot and he won't hurt you. Besides your dad will want you to be happy and you know it, he would be happy knowing you are with lain. He thought a lot of Iain" Layla said as Lola looked to her and smiled.


Layla walked to reception at the end of the day and smiled as she saw him with matilda. She walked over to him and took his hand. He smiled to her "you know seeing you as a dad, is such as a turn on" Layla said as Cal looked to her and smirked "is that so?" He asked as he wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed her "I think I'll ask Ethan to watch her for a few hours and come around" he said as she smiled "good" she said.

Layla stood in her flat as there was a knock. She opened the door and smiled as Cal walked in. Hee grabbed her waist and pushed her to the wall. She moaned and ran her hands through his hair. She pulled him to the couch and he climbed on top of him "I love you" Layla said as Cal smiled "I love you too" he said as they became to undress. He pushed into her and she moaned as he moved in and out of her. She dug her nails into his back and moaned as she felt herself reach her high. Once they were done, she looked to him and smiled as he pulled her to him and hugged her and kissed her head.

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