Chapter 2

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Mark was tired. Or not tired. Kind of tired, he figured he could probably find the energy to have sex if he could find Addison. Or well whenever she finished her surgery. He could definitely manage to have sex. He wasn't that tired. And he wasn't too tired to stand here and participate in the tradition him and his ass of a best friend had held for years, even if the ass was in surgery too.

It didn't take a lot of energy. Watching the fellows come in. And it usually helped when Shep was around. Shep was shit at picking out the neuro fellows, but Mark could always pinpoint people going into plastics. Not that he was pinpointing anyone today. Shep was in surgery and he was just staring at the fellows, trying to see if there were at least any hot chicks to be had in this group.

So far there was none. Not one single hot one amongst all of them. Which was wrong, really wrong. Not that he could do anything with them but it was at least to have a nice view occasionally. Instead it was a bunch of dudes, and awkward looking chicks that had probably spent the entire time through school buried in books. It was a complete and total waste.

This was pathetic. The chief and Dr. Clapson were hiring on nothing but talent, which was their first mistake. When he was head of plastics, looks. He'd hire every hot chick there was. He had said it out loud a few times and Shep and Addie had just rolled their eyes and called him an idiot. Apparently talent was important. Which he got, but what the hell was wrong with having hot talent?

He should probably just leave. He wasn't sure why he was still standing here. It wasn't nearly as fun without Shep's help and this year was a waste of ugly chicks. He should probably just go and find an intern to harass or a nurse to get all flustered. It would be more fun than wasting his time here. Definitely just a waste. There had to be hot fellows out for hire somewhere.

So far, the hottest fellow was some chick seriously in need of a nose job. Which he could actually offer, hell he'd do it for free at this point. Give him something to do other than stand here and wonder where the hot fellows went. Probably LA. Hot chicks tended to go to the beaches and not to rainy Seattle. Except Addie. Addie liked rainy Seattle, but she wasn't a hot fellow. Hot, yes. Fellow, no.

The doors opened again and he finally smiled. He hadn't looked all the way up yet, the pains of having to pretend to be actually looking at charts instead of checking them out, but the legs were nice. The jeans fit her perfectly. And tiny waist, a tiny waist was definitely important. And a nice rack, even more important. Definitely promising. She looked to see her face. Fuck.

He slammed the chart closed and looked closely at her as he leaned against the wall. It could not be her. There was a possibility the seriously hot fellow with the nice rack wasn't actually the girl he was thinking she was. But the facial features were there. Hell, she had barely changed in twelve years. Still hot, still completely fuckable, still completely dangerous. Fuck.

Shep did not need this. He was finally doing better, he was finally getting back to the guy he had been in college and med school before she had barged into their lives. Okay, maybe not that Shep but at least something a little more like it. And Mark was pretty sure the last relationship had actually nearly stuck. And now she had to come back, the chick that Shep could never forget.

This was probably the worst year for the tradition. No hot chicks, all dudes, and now Meredith fucking Grey. She was supposed to be in Boston. Other side of the country and she had just walked into their hospital. Not good. Completely not good. Shep didn't need this, hell, none of them needed this. The problem was, they were getting this bullshit. Unless of course, he made sure Shep didn't.

He had to keep them apart. That would be for the best. She'd be here for her fellowship and she would leave again. Which was a year. She could be on someone else's service and they would never even have to cross paths if he had anything to do with it. Because she wasn't going to break his best friend again. She wasn't about to fuck with everything Derek had become.

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