Chapter 32

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"Mer, you really have to stop smiling like that," Izzie sighed. "It makes people think there's something wrong with you. Which there is but that's a different story."

"There's definitely nothing wrong with me," Meredith giggled as she handed Izzie a cup of coffee. "Absolutely nothing. I'm great. Perfect. Amazing. Completely..."

"Insane," Izzie rolled her eyes.

"Perfect," Meredith countered.

"I don't see why you're so happy."

"Because I had the most amazing sex...ever yesterday?" Meredith giggled again. "I mean really...can a guy actually get better? I mean, is that possible? For the sex to be so..."

"Oh god," Izzie groaned. "I really don't want to hear about what Derek is like in bed."

"I know, sorry," Meredith nodded and then grinned. "It's wasn't just the sex, Iz. Or it was. The sex was amazing. Four times was amazing. wasn't just that. It was so completely...I don't know. I don't know what it was."

"Just tell me you used something all four times. The last thing you need when he leaves again is to have a baby."

"Do you think I'm an idiot?" Meredith groaned. "I'm on the Pill. And Derek...Derek's not leaving. Ever."

"Yes, so you both say right now."

"No, Izzie. We're really...this is it. This is really it."

"You said that last time."

"I know," Meredith nodded. "I know that. But it''s different this time. It really is. We never...not like that, Iz."

"I hope so," Izzie sighed. "I'm just having a hard time believing it."

"I know you are. But, Izzie, he's...I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong. But, I really don't think I am."

"Derek's always talked a big talk."

"It's not just talk, Izzie," Meredith murmured. "It's not. It's...he means it this time. He's completely different, Izzie. Or not completely but...he canceled a surgery yesterday, Izzie. To stay in bed all day. When did old Derek ever do that?"

"He wouldn't have."

"Exactly," Meredith smiled. "But he did. Yesterday he did."

"Which is...sweet," Izzie sighed. "I'm happy you two are happy, Mer. I really am. Just...worried."

"You're allowed to be. But just...give this a chance. Please? Be happy for me or whatever. Tell George not to come and do the George thing."

"You really love him, don't you?"

"I really do, Iz."



"I said fine," Izzie sighed. "I'll tell George that you think you know what you're doing and that it''s better this time."

"It's completely better this time," Meredith grinned. "Amazing this time. Which I'm not sure how it's possible considering he was in his twenties then but..."

"I wasn't talking about the sex, Mer."

"I know," Meredith giggled. "I know, sorry. It was just...and he can still do the bendy thing. In the shower this morning...definitely can still do the bendy thing."

"Seriously? I don't want to know."

"You're just jealous of the bendy thing."

"I don't want to hear about the bendy thing."

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