Chapter 22

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Derek smiled as he leaned against the wall of the elevator, flipping open his cell phone, briefly considering texting Meredith. He had been texting her back and forth all day, and even though he knew she was probably busy, he wanted nothing more than to text her again and ask her out that evening. He wanted to see her tonight, needed to see her tonight.

He had one more surgery and then he was out of there. He had no idea about her but he didn't really care. Whatever time she was off at would work for him, or he'd make it work. He hadn't actually seen her all day, he had just gotten texts telling him how crazy she was going. Which gave him the urge to find her and give her a hug. He definitely needed to see her tonight.

A message was quickly typed out and sent, a grin growing on his face. Ever since their small fight a few days earlier, he had wanted nothing more than to make sure she saw that he really was dedicated to making this work this time. He texted her, he bought her coffee, he helped her out with her paperwork when it was getting overwhelming. But she still seemed to be pulling back slightly.

He didn't know what to do. He completely understood what he had done was wrong, he might have not seen it before but he did now. And he would do anything to fix it. But he didn't really know what to do at this point. He had to prove to her that he'd be there but she was barely giving him the chance. Besides the tiny texts and the tiny smiles. But that was it.

"Do you have nothing better to do than send me texts?" her voice interrupted his thoughts as the elevator doors opened and she stepped in, dressed in jeans and a sweater.

"No not really," he laughed.

"I mean, you're about to be head of neuro," she rolled her eyes. "There has to be something you should be doing."

"I'm riding an elevator," he shrugged. "It's either text you or play a round of tetris. You win."

"You play tetris on your phone?" she giggled.

"No, I text you. Tetris is the other option."

"So when I walk up to you and you're playing on your phone, you're not actually busy?"

"Of course I'm busy."

"Playing tetris."

"It's busy, isn't it?"

"It's playing tetris, Der."


"Of course you are," she rolled her eyes. "So why are you stalking me now?"

"I'm not stalking you," he frowned.

"I think you've sent me a hundred texts today," she bit her lip, coughing slightly, obviously trying to hold back a giggle.

"I haven't actually seen you all day," he sighed. "And you text me back."

"It would be rude if I didn't."

"And that's the only reason?"


"That's what I thought."

"So why are you texting me this time?"

"I want to see you tonight," he murmured, not meeting her eyes.


"I want...I was wondering if we could do something tonight."

"Oh," she breathed.

"So....ummm...what do you say?"

"I can't, Der."

"Oh...I just thought...okay."

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