Chapter 23

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Today was the day. It had to be the day. She wasn't completely sure if it was the day because she hadn't gotten a chance to speak to him at all the day before, but Meredith had a feeling today was the day. He wasn't in his office, he hadn't responded to her texts, and apparently one of the nurses had seen him in a suit. Which probably meant today was the day.

They had been waiting for this. Dreading it and looking forward to it all at once. And now it was here. He had to get it. It had been weeks of everyone saying it was his, saying that there was no one else. She couldn't actually thinking of anyone else who deserved it but still, it had to be his. It had to be. And it had finally come. After today at least they would know.

The retirement had been announced three weeks ago. And Derek had gone immediately on pins and needles, finding a way to work as much as humanly possible in a last effort to prove to the board that he was the next logical choice for head of neurosurgery. Working non stop but also being completely amazing at making sure she came first. She wasn't sure how he was doing it.

And he still seemed so happy about this. He seemed completely fine giving up surgeries to come to her place to watch a movie. And if he was running late, he called. He called and he sounded like it was the most natural thing in the world. He was there. He was actually kind of everywhere. She was loving this. Years ago she had only dreamt of this and now, it was all hers.

She knew it meant things. They had been doing their dating thing for over a month now. Over a month and he didn't waver. He was perfect. Not that she'd ever tell him that, his ego would explode or something but he was incredibly perfect about all of it. And now she was pacing in front of his office, two cups of coffee in her hands as she tried not to worry too much about today.

Whatever happened, they'd get through it together. Not that she was used to the together thing, but she was getting used it. He was there for everything and she'd be there for this. Whether it was happiness or something else, she'd be there. She wanted to be. She couldn't believe how much she wanted to be there, to be with him through all of this. So much had changed.

This could either be the day when his career reached the point he'd been hoping for since the second she had met him, or all of his dreams could be shot down. No matter what happened, she'd be there. She'd be right here pacing in front of his office trying to figure out who the hell could possibly beat him out for head of neuro. The grapevine said Roberts but that was complete and total bullshit.

Derek had to get it. He was by far the best neurosurgeon in the hospital, best on this coast. Not that she'd ever say that to his face but he was. And he had worked his ass off. He was a natural. He was a natural at bossing people around and being in charge, which probably had a lot to do with growing up the way he had but that wasn't the point. The point was he was perfect for the job.

So anyone but him getting it made absolutely no sense. None at all. And the Chief had basically told him it was in the bag. But that was the chief and he didn't actually control the board. Because Derek was young. He was young. He was one of the youngest neuro attendings, and even though he was the best, Roberts was a lot older. And had been around a lot longer. But Derek was the best.

"Meredith," his voice came from behind her.

"Derek," she breathed, turning quickly, nearly spilling the coffee all over her. He was wearing his navy suit. The navy suit with a white button down and...he looked good. He actually looked amazing, the navy suit was great and he looked great. But he wasn't actually smiling. His eyes were smiling, but he wasn't smiling. "You''re in a suit."

"Generally what one wears for a meeting with the board," he nodded.

"I know," she nodded. "I know. But...that means there was a meeting with the board. Which means...they're saying Roberts got it. Which is completely ridiculous. He's an idiot. Not an idiot, I mean, he's a great surgeon. Or good. But...I mean, they're saying he got it because you were too young and then I pointed out you're the best which then led to feeding the rumor mill and..."

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