Chapter 24

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Warm arms snaked around her waist, and a broad hard chest pressed against her back. Meredith smiled to herself, still looking at her chart, not reacting to the fact he was now holding her, as she smelled him. It was probably sad and pathetic she knew it was him from the smell and feel of him. Good pathetic, but pathetic. "Hey," he murmured as she leaned into him.

"Hey...Roberts," she bit back a giggle. "You better not let Derek see us."

"Oh is that how it is?" he asked, leaning forward to kiss her cheek.

"Yep," she giggled, signing her name on the chart before leaning her head back against his chest.

"How are you," he asked.

"Good," she murmured. "How are you?"

"Good," he whispered.

"Busy?" she murmured, turning in his arms, her fingers moving up to his curls. In the month since had become head of neuro, he had spent more time with paperwork than surgeries, and it was driving him crazy.

"Paperwork," he sighed. "I hate my job."

"You love your job."

"Fine. I hate paperwork."

"It will get better soon, Der."

"You keep saying that.

"It will," she nodded, wrapping her arms around his waist.

"If not I can always steal your cases," he laughed softly.

"You stay away from my cases, Derek Shepherd," she warned, squeezing his waist.

"Or what?"

"Or I won't go out to dinner with you tonight."

"That's just mean."

"Being a surgery stealer is mean."

"Do you want me to go crazy?"

"You'll go crazy if you don't have a place to sleep tonight too," she giggled, kissing him gently.

"True," he nodded.

"So no surgery stealing."

"Fine," he sighed dramatically. "But when I snap and kill everyone in this place, except you of course, it's your fault.

"You're not going to go postal, Derek," she rolled her eyes.

"I might."

"It's just paperwork. Stop being so melodramatic."

"Do you want to do it?"

"I'm not head of neuro," she giggled.

"But if you do it the head of neuro would be happier," he smiled. "Don't you want me to be happier?"

"I can find better ways to make you happier," she smiled coyly, kissing him gently.

"Well that sounds promising," he murmured, returning the kiss.

"Hmmm," she breathed, pulling back before he could deepen the kiss. "Maybe tonight."

"I can wait till tonight," he nodded.

"I'm off at five," Meredith nodded. "Do you just want to meet me at the restaurant?

"That will probably work best."

"What time?" she murmured, running her hands up and down his sides, resisting the urge to tickle under his ribs.

"I should be done by six," he sighed.

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